
crackly adj.噼噼啪啪響的;松脆的。


I heard a malignant , crackly laugh by the fire , and turning , beheld that odious joseph standing rubbing his bony hands , and quivering . aw wer sure he d sarve ye eht ! he s a grand lad 我聽見爐火旁邊一聲惡毒的怪笑,轉過身來,就瞅見那個可惡的約瑟夫站著,搓著他的瘦骨嶙峋的手,還顫抖著。

They waited for 10 minutes until a crackly voice told them over the intercom that the tower had been hit 他們等了10分鐘后,才聽到一個沙啞的聲音通過樓內對講系統告訴他們大樓遭到撞擊。

They ' re dead crackly , and it ' s just on the guitar , and that ' s the way i ' d like to write music 就像這樣的俐落,而且它只有吉他的伴奏,這就是我喜歡的寫歌方式。