
crackle n.噼啪聲,爆裂聲;(碎瓷上的)裂紋;【醫學】尖銳的肺泡...


The iron is distributed in the crackle place more , brown or brown and black , the naked eye can be distinguished 鐵質多分布于裂紋處,呈褐色或褐黑色,肉眼可辨。

Then a coal slipped , the fire crackled and sent up a spurt of flame , and he woke with a start 這時,一塊煤骨碌下來,爐火噼啪一聲,竄出一股火苗,把他驚醒了。

Almost before he knew it , he was astern , swimming gently on the foam - crackling surface 他幾乎還沒明白過來已經落到了船尾,在水泡迸裂的水面上緩緩地游著。

For as the crackling of thorns under a pot , so is the laughter of the fool : this also is vanity 愚昧人的笑聲,就像鍋底下荊棘的爆聲一樣。這也是虛空。

Almost before he knew it , he was astern , swimming gently on the foam - crackling surface 他還沒來得及反應,船就一經駛過,平靜地走在滾滾浪花中。

Fireworks - part 9 : crackling granules - specification and test methods ; german version en 14035 - 9 : 2004 焰火.第9部分:爆裂顆粒.規范和試驗方法

The effect of different depth crackle to curvature mode was stood out as an emphasis 文中重點突出了深度不同的裂紋對曲率模態的影響。

Appearing with a soft , crackling sound , this spell creates a handful of shimmering light 隨著一聲清脆的聲音,可變出一把微弱的光亮。

B : ( line crackles ) lisa . i can hardly hear you at all . i ' ll call you back 電話劈啪亂響)麗薩。我幾乎聽不到你的聲音。我給你打回去吧。

( line crackles ) lisa . i can hardly hear you at all . i ' ll call you back 電話劈啪亂響)麗薩。我幾乎聽不到你的聲音。我給你打回去吧。

Is it sort of iike snap , crackle and pop all rolled up in one big box 是不是有點象三種不一樣的薩其馬都裝在一個大盒子里?

[ electricity crackling ] [電流噼啪聲]

Crackling receiving tank 油渣滴油槽

The surface of ceramic is smooth , densification and no crackle 由sem分析可知其晶粒分布均勻、表面平整、致密、無裂紋。

Zippo iinsides - brass black crackle 黑色碎紋

Zippo brass emblem black crackle 黑色碎紋銅徽

Wedm crackle analysis and their technical improvement of the t10a steel mould 鋼模具線切割裂紋的分析與工藝改進

Zippo pewter emblem black crackle 黑色碎紋白蠟徽

Defects such as bend , depression , melting trace , crackle can be got rid of 能克服彎曲凹陷。熔痕裂紋等缺陷。