
cracker n.1.爆竹;鞭炮。2.〔美國〕脆餅;〔美國〕餅干(=〔...


You okay , sweetie ? - here ' s what i ' m gonna do , cracker 你沒事吧,親愛的? -我來教訓你,混蛋

Some of my friends like soda crackers 我的一些朋友喜歡蘇打餅干。

Boss , we try to make it through these cracker speed traps , 老板,我們要想辦法開過超速監視區域

It had pralines , blueberries and a whole bunch of graham crackers 有果仁、藍莓,加上一堆餅干

- you okay , sweetie ? - here ' s what i ' m gonna do , cracker -你沒事吧,親愛的? -我來教訓你,混蛋

Formosa plastics , no . 6 naphtha cracker plant incinerator fluid bed 臺塑六輕焚化爐流體化床。

Could ' ve made a killing of that cracker 應該宰了那個吹牛逼的家伙

We have bologna and cheese , apples , and graham crackers 今天有臘腸,干酪,蘋果和全麥餅干。

But the fact is i ' m just crackers about cheese 但我太喜歡吃奶酪了

Chunan ' s special walnut crackers . we have many 特制胡桃餅有很多喔

For sellin your cracker sacks , i m glad i m white not black 我幾乎忘了你的臉心跳速度沒改變

You proposed using a prize from a cracker jack box 你用cracker jack盒子中的小獎品向她求婚

Please don ' t give me any cakes . i only want soda - crackers 請不要給我蛋糕,我只吃蘇打餅干。

You wanna take cracker jack with you ? he ' s very flexible 你要把小白杰克帶上嗎?他很柔軟的

Captain spaulding ' s a character from “ animal crackers , 斯堡羅丁是“動物餅干”里的一個角色

Yes , i would like some prawn crackers , please 好的,請想來一分蝦片。

No , thanks , mom . i want some cheese and crackers 不了,謝謝媽媽。我想要點兒奶酪和餅干。

Hey , man , i got some extra graham crackers 嗨,我多拿了一些全麥餅干。

It ' s time to put some crackers up in this soup 現在該給湯里來點精料了