
crackdown 〔美俚〕制裁;猛擊。


The most frustrating thing , says kevin neuschatz of choice money transfer , a remittance firm , is the indiscriminate nature of the regulatory crackdown 匯款公司匯款的凱文?紐查茲說,最令人心痛的事情在于監管壓迫的歧視本質。

France and italy re - imposed some border controls and italian police detained 174 people in a crackdown on suspected islamic militants 法國和意大利加強邊境巡查,意大利警方在一次打擊涉嫌伊斯蘭好戰活動的行動中扣留了174人。

The phenomenon of quick cash crime is an area of public concern and it will be one of my main priorities to crackdown on such offences 此外,近年涉及?快錢的罪行引起公眾關注,我將遏止這類罪案列為主要工作目標之一。

Among the items mentioned were : a crackdown on street - racing , longer prison sentences for crimes involving guns , and fewer house arrests 這些項目包括:打擊街道賽車,對涉及槍支的犯罪延長監獄刑罰,和減少家庭監視居住。

The great power of the governor inspector expands and strengthens during the crackdown of the peasants ' risings and “ the learning - from - forien nations movement “ 清初的督撫也是出于監察地方和督察軍事的初衷而署置的。

The crackdown comes after the death of a 17 - year - old french girl who ate the psychedelic fungi and jumped from a building 這次運動是由于一名17歲的法國少女,在食用迷幻真菌后導致精神失常,在一座高層建筑上跳了下來。

The crackdown comes after the death of the 17 year old french girl who ate the psychedelic fungi and jump from the building 采取這樣嚴厲的措施是因為一位17歲法國女孩在吃了含有迷幻劑的菌類之后,從房間里跳了出去。

Customs officers seize 2 . 6 kg herbal cannabis - 1 june 2005 ( monday ) customs crackdown against counterfeiting activities in central - 31 may 2005 ( tuesday ) 海關檢獲二點六公斤大麻草-二五年六月一日(星期三)

Still , publishing house editor ye xianlin says crackdowns by copyright authorities have helped cut piracy ' s impact on sales 不過,該出版社的編輯葉顯林表示,版權機構對盜版的打擊,已幫助降低了盜版對銷量的影響。

A police spokesman reiterated that similar operations would be conducted on a regular basis to crackdown on triad related activities 警方發言人重申,警方會繼續定期進行同類的反罪惡行動,打擊黑社會活動。

But several shanghai - focused property stocks tumbled out of concern that the news might herald a crackdown on real estate investment and lending 而這個新聞可能預示著房地產投資和出租市場將會遇到打壓。

The crackdown comes after the death of a 17 - year - old french girl who ate the psychedelic fungi and jumped from a building 這個行動是在一名17歲法國女孩吃了起魔幻作用的蘑菇并從一個建筑物上跳了下來。

China will also begin immediately a nationwide crackdown on internet piracy , including through enforcement at internet cafes 中國還將立刻開始在全國范圍內打擊網上盜版活動,包括加強對網吧的管理。

Jackie chan , the police officer trained for special assignments . is the the hero in a police crackdown on drug king chee 陳家駒是一名受過特警訓練的警官,在警方一次圍剿毒梟朱滔的行動中出盡鋒頭。

Tens of thousands of iraqi and u . s . troops have spread across baghdad in a major security crackdown in the iraqi capital 數萬的伊拉克和美國部隊部署到伊拉克首都巴格達全城,進行重大安全行動。

The crackdown comes after the death of a 17 - year - old french girl who ate the psychedelic fungi and jumped from a building 這次制裁是來源于一名17歲的法國少女因服吃迷幻的真菌而跳樓自殺。

He also said he would also push for a crackdown on chinese internet sites that sell performance - enhancing drugs 他還說,將會敦促有關方面加強對銷售運動興奮劑的中國互聯網站的打擊力度。

Te of thousands of iraqi and u . s . troo have read acro baghdad in a major security crackdown in the iraqi capital 數萬的伊拉克和美國部隊部署到伊拉克首都巴格達全城,進行重大安全行動。

There ' s been a major crackdown in italy where 40 people have been arrested , most of whom are of pakistani origin 意大利已在一主要逮捕行動中拘捕了四十人,當中大部份為巴基斯坦裔。