
crackajack n.〔美國〕= crackerjack.


In the morning of janurary 19th in 2006 , the second 10 influence trademark in china was made known in the great hall of the people in beijing ? senyang earth garden technology ltd was judged ” 10 impact brand in the trade of the forestation in china ” , and chairman shen anzhong was judged ” 10 crackajack enterpriser in constract brand ” 2006年1月19日上午,第二屆中國十大影響力品牌在中國北京人民大會堂揭榜,北京森陽大地園林技術有限公司被評為“中國造林行業十大影響力品牌” ,董事長申安中榮獲“中國品牌建設十大杰出企業家”稱號。

Company pursue : crackajack character , project concentrie . we would like to forging all wool and a yard wide outputs with empressement , let our project flourish development together 公司的追求是:杰出品質、事業同興。我們愿用真誠鍛造優質的產品,讓事業共同興旺發達。

Dandong liyama made crackajack contributions to the local economy 丹東飯山為地方經濟做出杰出貢獻