
crack vt.1.使破裂;敲破,敲碎,砸碎(陶器等);嗑(瓜子等...


She made a crack about his fatness . 她取笑他肥胖。

Cracks can be detected by a method using ultrasonic waves . 疵點可用超聲波方法檢測。

The boss is cracking down . 老板變得比以前更嚴厲了。

There is a crack in the glass . 這塊玻璃有一道裂痕。

Floor-beam webs have cracked in tied arch bridges . 在系干拱橋的橫梁腹板上發生裂紋。

The rock formations break with cracks into new positions . 巖層產生裂縫而破裂移位。

They finally cracked the defense and scored a goal . 他們終于突破了防守,射進一球。

He cracked the nuts with a hammer . 他用錘子擊破堅果。

Maybe the austrians would crack . 也許奧軍支持不住了。

This soldier is a crack [dead] shot . 這個戰士槍法準。

The hunter 's rifle cracked and the deer fell dead . 獵人的槍一響,鹿即倒地而死。

She heard the crack, crack . 他聽到一陣嘩喇嘩喇的聲音。

You're never yet heard the crack of an angry rifle . 你從未聽過交戰時的猛烈槍聲。

There is air in every crack and hole on this earth . 地球上每個縫隙洞孔都有空氣。

There must be a little crack in the brooke family . 布魯家的人神經一定不太正常。

Suddenly a great cracking sound split the air . 突然,一聲巨大的爆裂聲響徹云霄。

Each has his own hard nut to crack . 家家有一本難念的經。

The carrying-pole broke with a crack . 扁擔喀嚓一聲斷了。

That was a cracking shot he played . 他這一下打得妙極了。