
crabby adj.蟹似的;蟹多的。


Without bynum and with a crabby lamar odom , what was bryant going to do 沒有了拜納姆,再加上奧多姆狀態不佳,科比不這樣開火,那他怎么做呢?

In a crabby mood 他早上起床時

I will hunt you down and kill your crabby ass 我會宰了你

My wife is crabby . it must be that time of the month 我的妻子心情煩燥,一定是到了來例假的日子。

Are all skating coaches as crabby as you 所有的教練都像你這么兇嗎

Are all skating coaches as crabby as you 所有的教練都像你這么兇嗎?