
crabbe n.克拉布〔姓氏〕。


For a moment he could not find malfoy anywhere , and assumed he must be inside the room of requirement again , but then he saw malfoy ' s tiny , labelled dot standing in a boys ' bathroom on the floor below , accompanied , not by crabbe or goyle but by moaning myrtle ,哈利繞道沿著七樓走廊走,同時查看著活點地圖,有一段時間,他在哪里都找不到馬爾福,他猜想馬爾福一定又在有求必應屋,但是之后他發現標志馬爾福的微小的點標志著他在樓下一層的男盥洗室中,陪伴他的,不是克拉布,也不是高爾,而是哭泣的桃金娘。

We ' ll split into pairs and search , and don ' t forget , be gentle with potter until we ' ve got the prophecy , you can kill the others if necessary - - bellatrix , rodolphus , you take the left , crabbe , rabastan , go right - - jugson , dolohov , the door straight ahead - - macnair and avery , through here - - rookwood , over there - - mulciber , come with me ! 大家兩人一組分頭搜尋,記住,在得到預言球前不要對波特動粗,如果需要,其他人都可以殺掉? ?貝拉特里克斯,羅道夫斯,你們去左邊,克拉布,拉巴斯坦,去右邊? ?加格森,多洛霍夫,去正前面的門? ?麥克尼爾,還有埃弗里,在這里找? ?盧克伍德,去那邊? ?穆爾塞伯,跟我走! ”

Thus , there ' s still a slim chance that this pair is macnair & avery ( in which case , the baby - faced death eater would have to be avery , a man whose face , like crabbe ' s , harry has never seen before ) 因此,仍然有很小的可能,這兩人是麥克尼爾&埃弗里(在這種情況下,有嬰兒頭的食死徒將肯定是埃弗里,像克拉布一樣,哈利從未見到過他的臉) 。

If you think about it , people apart from seamus who wear the rings in slytherin are malfoy , crabbe , goyle , parkinson , and the other boy from poa , who i expect is nott 如果你想一想這個,除了西莫以外帶戒指在斯萊特林的馬爾福、克拉布、高爾、帕金森,以及其他poa的男孩子,我想可能是諾特。

Considering all that , it makes perfect sense that this pair is crabbe & rabastan , with crabbe being the baby - faced death eater and rabastan being the one hermione stupefied 考慮所有這些,這兩人是克拉布&拉巴斯坦,克拉布是有嬰兒頭的食死徒而拉巴斯坦是赫敏擊昏的,這很能說得通。

“ oh , this is crabbe and this is goyle , ” said the pale boy carelessly , noticing where harry was looking . “ and my name ' s malfoy , draco malfoy “哦,這是克拉布,這是高爾。 ”面色蒼白的男孩發現哈利在看他們,就隨隨便便地說, “我叫馬爾福,德拉科馬爾福。 ”

So , in the absence of any further proof , i think the two missing death eaters are nott and the baby - faced death eater , whom i believe to be crabbe 因此,在缺乏任何進一步證據的情況下,我認為兩個不見的食死徒是諾特和嬰兒頭的食死徒? ?我相信是克拉布。

Peeves tries to put chewing gum in the lock of one and harry and ron lock crabbe and goyle into the one in the entrance hall 皮皮鬼試圖把口香糖塞進其中一個的鎖眼里,哈利和羅恩曾經也把克拉布和高爾關在門廳的一個柜子里。

When harry was similarly hit by crabbe ' s illegal bludger in the small of the back , he was only winded ( op19 ) 同樣的,當哈利被克拉布違反規則的游走球擊中背部時,他只是喘氣(鳳凰社,第十九章) 。

Still , in the absence of any further evidence , i prefer to think that this pair is crabbe & rabastan 盡管如此,在缺乏任何進一步的證據的情況下,我偏向于認為這兩人是克拉布&拉巴斯坦。

Draco is seldom seen without his two friends , crabbe and goyle , who are much larger than he and function as bodyguards 德拉科和他的兩個朋友? ?克拉布和高爾? ?幾乎形影不離。

Harry has heard crabbe ' s voice ( at voldemort ' s return , gf33 ) , but has never seen his face 哈利聽到過克拉布的聲音(在《火焰杯》第33章中伏地魔的回歸) ,但是從未見到他的臉。

- mitch cohen , this is my husband . - leonard crabbe , very nice to meet you -米奇科恩,這是我丈夫。 -我叫萊昂納德克拉比,很高興見到你。

Crabbe - one of the respectables , father of hogwarts student vincent crabbe 克拉布? ?道貌岸然者之一,霍格沃茨學生文森特?克拉布的父親。

Mitch cohen , this is my husband . - leonard crabbe , very nice to meet you 米奇科恩,這是我丈夫。 -我叫萊昂納德克拉比,很高興見到你。

Here are crabbe ' s tales , and the idler , at hand to relieve you 這里還有克拉卜的《故事集》和《懶漢》 ,可以隨手拿來消遣。

- it ' s nice to meet you . - welcome to the house of crabbe -真高興能見到你。 -歡迎來到克拉比家。

It ' s nice to meet you . - welcome to the house of crabbe 真高興能見到你。 -歡迎來到克拉比家。

This whole area here is called crabbe town 這個地方叫做克拉比鎮。