
crab n.1.蟹;蟹肉;〔C-〕【天文學】巨蟹座,巨蟹宮。2....

crab apple

Were discovered this morning by a crab fisherman 今晨被一個捕蟹的漁民發現

To the bathroom , and then get him some crab cakes 盥洗室把手弄干凈,然后吃點蟹肉蛋糕

The horseshoe crab isn ' t really a crab at all 馬蹄蟹實在一點也不是螃蟹。

Are you kidding me ? crab c . how could you not have a good time 沒開玩笑吧?蟹肉蛋糕

Stewed superior shark s fin w crab meat ( 2 . 5 teals ) 蟹肉扒海虎翅(二兩半)

2001 - steamed “ foo - yung “ crab claws with shark s fin 2001年金簪芙蓉蟹鉗

If you see any crab cakes , get your hands on some 如果你看到蟹肉蛋糕一定要給我拿幾塊

A crabbed knot must have a crabbed wedge 難解的繩結得用堅硬的楔子來對付。

It ' s a dungeness crab in a light butter and garlic sauce 太平洋大蟹加淡黃油和蒜茸醬

The new law has capped the crabbing season in our area 新法令限制了該地區捕蟹的時節

Bongo , the stoned crab got high as a kite 邦戈,那只醉蟹飛得象風箏一般高

The moody crab is just too difficult for you to handle 情緒化的蟹子讓你很難應付。

The boss is always crabbing about my work 老板對我的工作總是橫挑鼻子豎挑眼

Pulau ketam , literally translated , means “ crab island “ 吉膽島,又稱“螃蟹島” 。

' cause i love the crab cakes . - consider it done 它可是我的最愛! -我辦事你放心

Uh , cliff ' s crab shack , you ever heard of that 嗯,克里夫蟹肉館你聽說過嗎?

What crabs are really seeking is oral gratification 蟹子真正需要的是口頭的贊美。

Crab , crab , crab . shot . throw it away . sal ute 螃蟹,螃蟹,螃蟹設計.扔掉.敬禮

Stewed superior shark s fin w crab s cream ( 2 . 5 teals ) 蟹黃扒海虎翅(二兩半)