
cqt CQT = College Qualification ...


At first , it will discuss the conditions and trend of current network optimization technology and pay much attention to the call quality test , then discuss the data mining algorithms and practical application forms , finally , integrated the algorithms and application forms , discussed how to apply data mining technology to network optimization and the steps to apply data mining in network optimization call quality test system base on the requirement of customer and pay much attention to the function of data mining technology in the system , the design detail of the data mining algorithms and the application result 文中首先討論網絡優化的現狀和發展并重點討論網絡優化cqt測試的方法和流程,然后討論數據挖掘的各算法和實際應用形式,最后將兩者結合,研究如何將數據挖掘應用到網絡優化中,并根據客戶對網絡優化cqt系統智能化的需求,討論具有數據挖掘功能的網絡優化cqt系統的需求、設計和具體實現。在整個cqt系統的討論中,重點討論數據挖掘在cqt系統中的作用、具體算法設計和應用結果。

In this paper , the main works are followed : la cqt dialing and testing system has been developed ; 2 . by using two moxa cards , the rs - 232 serial port is expanded ; 3 . a software of interface and control is programmed , which can accomplish the function of data collection and analysis Cqt撥打測試終端的研制,其中包括測試終端的總體設計、原理圖及印刷電路板設計,電路板焊接與調試。 2利用moxa卡對計算機的rs - 232串行接口進行擴展的設計與實現。

This system can simulate multi - channel calling and called subscribers , complete the calling test . the operation platform is windows nt chinese version . the software is very convenient to use 本系統中采用tms320lf2407dsp器件, tc35gsm通信模塊,設計并實現了一個基于gsm網絡的cqt撥打測試系統。

In this paper , a cqt ( call quality test ) estimation system is adopted , a cqt dialing and testing system based on gsm is designed and completed 本文就是基于這一背景,采用cqt ( callqualitytest )為網絡性能的評估體系,設計并實現了基于gsm的cqt撥打測試系統。

Cqt college qualification test 大學合格考試