
cq 短語和例子CQ =1.call to quarters ...


The main body , which includes 5 parts : in the conception section , first , it reknew the conception of both culture tourism and marketing position , in order to clear the concept and made it a guide of the whole article ; in the marketing section , next , it has studied on the world tourism market for its developing tendency and distinctive feature . it analyzed the present conditions of chongqing cultural market and also made prediction about it ; third , in the resources section , in the light of diversity , this part made a clear classification on chongqing cultural resources according to their characteristics ; the fourth part , in the product section , it give a position analysis about two things : the overall image , and the products of chongqing cultural tourism , and also made correlative strategies of them ; in the communicating section , fmally , it is mainly about how to communicate with tourism consumers , how to build up a good image of cq cultural tourism in their minds , and let them have a good understanding 正文部分分為五個問題進行論述:首先對文化旅游與市場定位的定義進行了重新認識,以求清晰概念,指導研究;第二,對世界旅游市場發展的趨勢、特點和重慶地區文化旅游市場發育現狀及開發前景進行分析和預測;第三,以差異化為劃分依據,對重慶地區的人文旅游資源按其資源特色進行歸類簡括梳理:第四,對重慶文化旅游的總體形象與重慶文化旅游產品進行定位分析,提出了形象概念和產品定位的相關策略;最后,對如何利用有效溝通手段,在旅游消費者心目中建立對重慶文化旅游形象與重慶文化旅游產品的良好認知,進行具體分析。

In construction phrase , it uses coincideence definition of quality and sums up four characters of quality cost , and integrates the control principle of quality cost , and integrates the grey system and markov chain model into the grey - markov chain model of quality cost control . it uses grey predict value to reflect the cq interior tendency . this paper designs the practical program and verifies it in the building of 543 factory of baoding 在施工階段,采用質量的符合性定義,總結出質量成本的四大特點,在將控制對象劃分為內部子系統和外部子系統的基礎上,提出了質量成本系統控制原理,并將灰色系統和馬爾柯夫模型結合起來,建立了質量成本的灰色馬爾柯夫模型,以灰色預測值反映質量成本的內在趨勢,作為質量成本控制的參照標準,并在保定五四三廠印鈔生產樓工程中進行了驗證。

It ought to grasp the chance , hold on the advantage and avoid the shortage to take steady - expansion strategy , and realize related - mutilateral industrial struction , rising comprehesive power and competence , and put cq inst 從而明確了重慶院面臨的威脅和機會、競爭的優勢和不足,指出總體而言,重慶院面臨的機遇大于威脅、優勢大于弱勢。

Ding cq and gm zheng . the regions of conservation important for grouse , partridge and pheasants in china . bird conservation international . 2000 . 10 : 319 - 330 倪喜軍,張正旺,鄭光美.江蘇雉雞領域的生境特征.中國鳥類學研究. 2000 . 19 - 23北京:中國林業出版社

Using the theory of strategic management , this paper studies the corporation strategy of chongqing d . & r . inst . of zm ( ie . “ cq inst . 本文應用戰略管理理論和方法,結合zm重慶設計研究院(下簡稱重慶院)自身特點,對重慶院的發展戰略進行了研究。

The concluding remarks : it looked back on the whole article , and made a further suggestion of some other aspects of cq cultural tourism 結語部分:回顧本文研究的內容,并對重慶文化旅游開發的其它方面提出自己的思考意見。

Cq thread ball valves 螺紋球閥

Cq thread ball valves cq 螺紋球閥

Its so humid that first timers will feel weak when they step outside of cq 初來乍到的外地人離開重慶時會感受有些不適。

Customary quick despatch cq 習慣快速裝運

Cq call to quarters 公告等的廣播開始信號

The humidity is the reason why cq people must eat spicy food all the time 就是因為濕氣重,重慶人都喜歡吃辣椒。

14 guo hz , qu cq , qi x 郭洪志,屈傳強,齊新。

Be responsible for cq pool car management and reimbursement 為外區到重慶出差人員提供必要的行政支持。

Be responsible for cq pool car management and reimbursement 負責重慶公務車的管理,及費用報銷。

Cq dx , especially looking for zone 2 for my waz 呼叫遠距離臺特別是2區的臺,因為我想獲得waz獎。

To provide necessary support for business trip to cq 為外區到重慶出差人員提供必要的行政支持。

3 fan yz , chen cq , zhao zm , et al 范躍祖,陳春球,趙澤明,等。

To provide necessary support for business trip to cq 其它總監、經理交辦的事務。