
cpu CPU = Central Processing Uni...


The resistance captured me and reprogrammed my cpu 抵抗組織抓到了我,給我的cpu重新編了程

Data to collect cpu profiling information 數據用于收集cpu簡要表信息。

And a risc cpu is also introduced 并介紹了一個risccpu的結構與實現。

Covers up to 8 cpus in a multiprocessor computer 在多處理器計算機中,雙字節關聯i o掩碼

Covers up to 16 cpus in a multiprocessor computer 在多處理器計算機中, 3字節關聯i o掩碼

Command provided by platform lsf to determine the number of cpus 命令來確定cpu的個數。

To start the job when the cpus reach an idle condition ,在cpu達到空閑條件時啟動作業。

Roprietary design with four sets of cpu which is in great demand 芯片,其內部集成4個

Covers up to 24 cpus in a multiprocessor computer 在多處理器計算機中, 4字節關聯i o掩碼

Merced was an almost baroque cpu design Merced幾乎是巴洛克式的cpu設計。

If using 133mhz fsb cpu , the sdram can locked at 100mhz ,可設定是否使用

If using 266mhz fsb cpu , the sdram can locked at 100mhz ,可設定是否使用

Measuring and implementing multiple parallel cpus 度量和實現多個并行的cpu

Id of the cpu with which this scheduler is associated 此計劃程序與之關聯的cpu的id 。

Cpu : 520mhz . - system : pocket pc 2003 second 內建802 . 11無線網卡并支援voip語音網路。

Application of double cpus to asvc control 在新型靜止無功補償器控制中的應用

Cpu time in milliseconds that is used by the request 請求所使用的cpu時間(毫秒) 。

This register provides the status of data transfer to cpu 提供數據傳送方面的狀態。

This is how most non - intel cpus address memory 這就是大部分非intel cpu的尋址方式。