
cpr 短語和例子CPR =1.Canadian Pacific...


Since cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( cpr ) guidelines was constituted in 1974 , it was adopted many times 摘要心肺復蘇指南自1974年制定以來,多次修訂改進。

“ cpr and the canadianization of western canada ” , glimpses of canada , no . 1 , 1998 《加拿大太平洋鐵路與西部的加拿大化》 ,載《加拿大掠影》 , 1998年第1期。

You are required to check the applicant ' s name only on the cpr . ? no need to check other items 閣下只需核對清楚cpr表格上申請人之姓名。其他項目不用理會。

When riley later stopped breathing , zeigler performed cpr on her tiny body , stickler said 當萊麗停止了呼吸,哲格勒為她作了心臟回復搶救。湯姆律師說。

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation , or cpr , can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped 心臟復蘇術( cpr )可以挽救有些心臟忽然停止的人的生命。

The railway , the canadian pacific railway ( cpr ) was completed before the agreed deadline 那條鐵路,即加拿大太平洋鐵路在預定完工日期之前也已建成。

Partiy because peopie do need a piace to do senior ' s water baiiet and cpr 一部分原因是這里的人們確實需要一個地方來練習老年人的水上芭蕾及cpr 。

Many atlantic canadians are also not trained in cpr and first aid , he added 他又說,加拿大大西洋地區很多人都沒有接受過心肺復蘇和急救訓練。

You should only do cpr if the victim is not breathing and doesn ' t have a pulse 只有在遇難者不呼吸,而且沒有脈搏的情況下才應該擠壓胸腔。

Cardio - pulmonary resuscitation or cpr can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped 心肺復蘇或cpr能夠拯救心臟停止的人的生命。

Reconstruction of the 1 . 2 - km section of cpr between tai lam kok and siu lam ; and 重建大欖角與小欖角之間一段長1 . 2公里的青山公路及

And i tried to perform cpr on the other guy until the paramedics came 然后在救護車來之前我做了一些急救的措施- - - - - 《機動殺人》

But cpr delivers only 10 to 15 per cent of normal blood flow to the brain 但是心臟復蘇術通常只能使10至15的血液流向腦部。

But cpr delivers only 10 to 15 per cent of normal blood flow to the brain 但是心臟復蘇術通常只能使10 %至15 %的血液流向腦部。

And one of the problems is how to make the data of cpr structurized 電子病歷的結構化是電子病歷需要重點研究的問題之一。

Cpr cost performance ratio 成本績效比率

Cpr cost performance report 成本績效報告

Making computing patient record ( cpr ) is a hotspot problem in medical domine 病人信息的電子化是醫療領域的熱點問題。

And i tried to perform cpr on the other guy until the paramedics came 然后我就對那個人做心肺復蘇一直到急救人員趕來