
cppcc CPPCC = Chinese People's Pol...


Cai shuxia is now president of ningde fishery commercial federation , standing managing director of ningde municipal big yellow association , member of cppcc of jiaocheng district , ningde city 公司董事長蔡述夏現為寧德市漁業商會會長寧德市大黃魚協會常務理事寧德市蕉城區政協委員。

Propagate and popularize new technology , process , equipment and technology on water - saving . responsible for secretarial work , the proposals from the cppcc and national people s congress 新技術新工藝新設備新技術,以及辦公室的文秘政協人大提案的處理,檔案和對外接待工作。

Hong fuzeng , member of cppcc standing committee and former vice minister of agriculture , and han deqian , former vice minister of science and technology , were also present at the forum 全國政協常委原農業部副部長洪紱曾,和原科技部的副部長韓德乾出席了本次會議。

Members of the legco , representatives of district - based organisations , hk deputies to npc and representatives of hk members of the national committee of the cppcc 立法會議員、區域性組織的代表、香港地區全國人大代表、香港地區全國政協委員的代表

No one in china should live in dire poverty by 2010 , members to the national committee of the chinese people ' s consultative conference ( cppcc ) said yesterday 昨天,中國人民政治協商會議成員說: “在2010年,再沒有任何一個人還生活在貧窮之中” 。

The practice of having npc and cppcc documents translated into foreign languages started in the 1980s , after china launched its reform and opening - up policy 從上世紀80年代我國實施改革開放政策以來,每屆“兩會”的文件都被翻譯成多種外國語言。

Members of the cppcc national committee , the ministry of culture outstanding contributions outstanding experts , the chinese artists association of committee members 系全國政協委員,文化部有突出貢獻優秀專家,中國美術家協會理論委員會委員。

Let me start by thanking the news center of the npc and cppcc for its arrangement , which offers me an opportunity to meet friends from the media present today 在此,我首先要感謝兩會新聞中心的安排,使我有機會與在座的記者朋友見面。

In the second half of 2004 , yunda completed the planning design and part of the project execution for international exchange events for the shenyang cppcc 于2004年下半年,完成了沈陽市政協國際交流活動的方案設計及部分項目實施工作。

Linsanzhi : famous calligrapher , a former member of the cppcc national committee , former president shuxie j iangsu province , china shuxie honorary member 林散之:著名書法家,曾任全國政協委員,原江蘇省書協主席,中國書協名譽理事。

On february 15 , 2002 , mr . song jian , vice - president of chinese people s political consultative conference ( cppcc ) , came to our hotel 2002年2月15日,全國政協副主席宋健來到我店,受到了黎寧總經理和員工的熱烈歡迎。

From feb . 13 to feb . 19 , 2004 , dr . yanru zeng participated in the 2nd session , cppcc of zhejiang province in hangzhou , zhejiang , china 2004年2月13 - 19日,曾燕如在杭州參加了政協浙江省第九屆委員會第二次會議。

In a proposal to the ongoing national committee of the cppcc , xie urged the whole country to think seriously about the situation 謝廣祥在向全國政協全體會議提交的議案中呼吁,全社會應認真考慮這一問題。

The speech by chen jinhua , vice chairman of cppcc , at international engineering consultancy forum on sustainable development of shanghai 全國政協副主席陳錦華在上海可持續發展國際工程咨詢論壇上的致辭

He said the japanese house of councillors will keep close contacts with china “ s national people “ s congress and the cppcc national committee 他說,日本參議院愿與中國人大和全國政協保持密切交往。

He said the japanese house of councillors will keep close contacts with china ' s national people ' s congress and the cppcc national committee 他說,日本參議院愿與中國人大和全國政協保持密切交往。

Hotel is located in the nanzhuangping , xincheng distance of jiazhangjie in the courtyard of organ of municipal cppcc 酒店位于張家界市新城區南莊坪,市政協機關大院內,環境幽靜,緊鄰天門山索道。

The cppcc office building is the place for the cppcc to hold meetings , handle official affairs , and receive foreign guests 全國政協辦公樓是全國政協召開會議、辦公、接見外賓的場所。

The sar government will forge closer ties with npc deputies and cppcc members so that they may better play their role 特區政府會加強與人大代表和政協委員聯系,更好地發揮他們的作用。