
cpm cpm = counts per minute 計數/分...


O stands for outdoor activities , n for nature , s for social interaction , cpm for childhood summers and positive memories , t for temperature and he for holidays and looking forward to time off 其中, o代表戶外活動, n代表自然, s指社會交往, cpm指童年時的夏日和美好回憶, t代表溫度, he代表假期以及對假期的期待。

It enable the decision - maker analyze data at multiple points of view and shows that the technology could achievel the purpose , and is a promising method of building up crm 這一系統為銷售公司提供了olap的功能,使銷售人員可以通過多維視圖分析數據。這表明olap技術可以達到cpm的目標,為crm的設計提供了一種方法。

Mr john hui , bbs , cpm , director and general manager of first ferry and first ferry macau was invited to present prizes to the seven winners of the first prizes and second prizes 是次頒獎典禮邀請到新渡輪及新渡輪澳門董事兼總經理許招賢先生bbs , cpm出席,致送獎品予七位分別獲得頭獎及二獎的幸運兒。

O stands for outdoor activities , n for nature , s for social interaction , cpm for childhood summers and memories , t for temperature and he for s and looking forward to time off 其中, o代表戶外活動, n代表自然, s指社會交往, cpm指童年時的夏日和美好回憶, t代表溫度, he代表假期以及對假期的期待。

Mr john hui , bbs , cpm , director & general manager of first ferry and first ferry ( macau ) said , “ first ferry and first ferry ( macau ) place strong emphasis on navigation safety 新渡輪及新渡輪(澳門)董事兼總經理許招賢bbs , cpm表示:新渡輪及新渡輪(澳門)一向注重航行安全。

As one part of all researches , the paper studies how to realize user privilege management in a distributed and collaboratively enterprise pdm system - - wincan cpm 同時,本文討論了現實wincan ( ? ) cpm系統的用戶權限管理功能的實現,并給出了數據庫結構定義及相關程序設計。

Mr john hui , bbs , cpm , director general manager of first ferry and first ferry macau said , “ first ferry and first ferry macau place strong emphasis on navigation safety 新渡輪及新渡輪澳門董事兼總經理許招賢bbs , cpm表示:新渡輪及新渡輪澳門一向注重航行安全。

The case illustrates the strategic importance of large development projects , the criticality of launching decisions as well as a base for introducing pert / cpm 這個案例闡釋了大型發展項目的戰略重要性,發布決策的嚴密性,并簡單介紹了pert / cpm 。

The case illustrates the strategic importance of large development projects , the criticality of launching decisions as well as a base for introducing pert / cpm 這個案例闡釋了大型發展專案的策略重要性,發布決策的關鍵性,并簡單介紹了pert / cpm 。

The reaction was allowed to proceed for 7 min at 30c , then 25 l aliquots was removed and spotted on whatman p81 paper , counted t 取25pi點于whatlnanpei強陽離子交換濾紙上,將濾紙置于液問瓶內,用beckman液問計數儀測定cpm值。

4 ) presentation and implementation of constraints - preserving mapping algorithm from relational schema to xml schema ( cpm ) 4 )提出了關系模式到xmlschema的約束保留映射算法通過對xmlschema的部分數學建模,定義模式映射模版。

Traditional planning tools including blue print , cpm , and bar chart are incompetent to manage the information contained in the very complex construction project 同樣地,工程規劃設計之品質,亦取決于良好之規劃設計過程。

Draw a cpm diagram for the dreamcast project . based on the qualitative information in the case , what do you think will be the critical path 依據案例中的定性信息,畫出夢想演出項目的cpm圖表,你認為哪條是關鍵路徑?

Based on the work aforementioned , the whole development plan of the new ceramic rocker arm has been constituted by means of pert - cpm method 在此基礎上,運用統籌方法制定了陶瓷搖臂新產品的研制計劃。

Cpm electronics co . , ltd is specialized in researching , developing , manufacturing and distributing piezo components 杰誠電子有限公司系研發、生產、銷售壓電元器件為一體的專業公司。

Group photo of mr john hui , bbs , cpm , director and general manager of first ferry and first ferry macau with winners 新渡輪及新渡輪澳門董事兼總經理許招賢先生bbs , cpm與得獎者合照

161 on our most projects critical path method ( cpm ) is used for scheduling 在我們的大多數工程項目中都采用“統籌法” (即關鍵路線方法,簡稱cpm )安排計劃。

Treatment of distal femoral fractures with retrograde interlocking intramedullary nail under arthroscopy and cpm exercise 逆行交鎖髓內釘治療股骨遠端骨折

First from left : mr . john hui bbs , cpm , fcmi , chartered fcipd , director general manager of first ferry macau 左一:新渡輪澳門董事兼總經理許招賢先生