
cpl cpl. = Corporal 下士。


Pilots can be categorised into private pilots and professional pilots . the former shall hold a private pilot s licence ( ppl ) while the latter shall hold either a commercial pilot s licence ( cpl ) or an airline transport pilot s licence ( atpl ) 。前者需持有私人飛行員執照( ppl ) ,而后者則需持有商用飛行員執照( cpl )或民營運輸機飛行員執照( atpl ) 。這里集中談及有關考取香港私人飛行員執照所需要符合的規定。

Abstract : based on the establishment of physical model , this paper used a two - dimensional calculation model to numerically calculate and analyzed the heat transfer process of the two - phase flow within the conduit of single evaporator in cpl 文摘:在建立物理模型和分析管內流動狀態并列出基本流動方程的基礎上,采用一個二維計算模型進行數值計算,求得管內汽-液相的速度和壓力分布。

According to article 43 of the cpl , “ it shall be strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture and to collect evidence by threat , enticement , deceit or other unlawful means 刑事訴訟法第43條規定: “嚴禁刑訊逼供和以威脅、引誘、欺騙以及其他非法的方法收集證據。

More than two months into the gaza operation israel has still not secured the release of cpl shalit or stopped qassam rocket fire 對加薩走廊的攻擊行動從開始以來已經超過了2個月,但是以色列仍然未能成功令巴勒斯坦人釋放沙利特下士,也未能停止巴勒斯坦人的卡桑火箭炮火。

L / cpl williams , 27 , was immediately flown home to be with his wife , zoe , 33 , and katie ' s brothers , guy , 12 , jake , nine , and joshua , seven 27歲的威廉斯立刻被調離部隊,飛回家陪伴33歲的妻子柔依和凱蒂的3個哥哥, 12歲的蓋伊、 9歲的杰克、 7歲的約書亞。

Subject to regular audits , cad will continue to approve bae as a suitable cpl training institute , “ mr lam said at the graduation ceremony 民航處會通過定期審核,繼續認許英國宇航航空訓練學校為合適的香港商用飛機駕駛執照訓練機構。

According to clause 1 of article 9 of the cpl , “ people of different ethnic groups all have the right to use their own language in litigations 刑事訴訟法第43條規定: “嚴禁刑訊逼供和以威脅、引誘、欺騙以及其他非法的方法收集證據。

James ryan matt damon , be located and brought back to the united states . capt . miller gets the assignment , and he chooses a translator , cpl 面對戰爭的殘酷及各種重重困難,各人開始懷疑為何要八個人冒生命危險只為要救一名小兵。

He teaches novices how to dive and strafe targets , as he did in the attack that killed lance cpl of horse matty hull 他訓練新手們如何俯沖并低空掃射目標,正如他在炸死騎兵團下士馬蒂?赫爾的襲擊中所表現的那樣。

The body , suspended about 15 feet above the ground , could be easily seen from passing vehicles . state police spokesman cpl 街上來往的開車人和行人很容易注意到這具懸掛在街邊樹上15英尺約4 . 57米高處的女尸。

He teaches novices how to dive and strafe targets , as he did in the attack that killed lance cpl of horse matty hull 他培訓新人如何駕駛如何射擊目標,如他在突襲中誤殺騎兵下士馬蹄郝兒一樣。

Character per inch cpl 每登錄成本

Cpl began buying from china as soon as it became open to u . s Cpl從中國采購始于中國剛向美國公司開放時,并從此年年增加采購量。

Research and implementation of sip multimedia value - added services platform based on cpl 多媒體增值業務平臺的研究與實現

- cpl sohn yong - il , sir . - yeah -宋榮日下士-嗯?

Cpl sohn yong - il , sir . - yeah 宋榮日下士-嗯?

- hey , shim dae - suk ! - cpl shim dae - suk , sir -沈大錫-到

- dae - suk . - cpl shim dae - suk , sir -大錫-到!下士沈大錫

Hey , shim dae - suk ! - cpl shim dae - suk , sir 沈大錫-到