
cpi CPI = Consumer Price Index 消...


The results suggested that the cpi adjusted more quickly to shocks in cost variables in hong kong than in singapore 分析結果顯示,香港消費物價指數因應成本變數的變化而作出調整速度較新加坡快。

Exploring how changes in non - fuel commodity prices help to predict headline cpi inflation on the mainland and in hong kong 探討非燃料商品價格的變動如何有助預測內地及香港的整體消費物價通脹。

Headline inflation had edged up in recent months , in part because of the pass - through of higher residential rents to the cpi 整體通脹在近數月微升,部分原因是住宅租金上升影響消費物價指數。

For 1998 as a whole , the composite cpi rose by 2 . 8 per cent , markedly down from the 5 . 8 per cent increase in 1997 一九九八年全年合計,綜合消費物價指數上升2 . 8 % ,顯著低于一九九七年的5

In the past twenty four months , the year - on - year rate of change of ssaip and cpi ( a ) are listed in annex 6 過去二十四個月社援物價指數及甲類消費物價指數的按年變動百分率表載列于附件六。

Adjust the oea annually according to the movement of cpi , be it an inflation year or a deflation year ; and 不論在通脹或通縮的年度,營運開支津貼每年都應按甲類消費物價指數的變動而調整及

As from the reference month of october 2000 onwards , the year - on - year rates of change are derived from the 19992000 - based cpis 在較早的月份,按年變動率是根據消費物價指數舊數列計算。

As from the reference month of october 2000 onwards , the year - on - year rates of change are derived from the 1999 2000 - based cpis 在較早的月份,按年變動率是根據消費物價指數舊數列計算。

Cpi also has as its component the highest percentage of expenditure on “ miscellaneous services “ 此外,丙類消費物價指數所涵蓋的“雜項服務”消費,也在各消費物價指數中占最高百分比。

Cpi has prided itself in the design , manufacturing , and marketing of quality innovative electronic controls 二十多年以來,公司已成為當今世界領先的電控產品的設計生產和銷售廠商之一。

Eurozone april cpi and march industrial production data on thursday are the major releases in europe next week 歐元區4月消費者價格指數及3月工業產量將在周四發布,將是本周關注重點。

Increase in food price pushed cpi inflation to grow at the fastest pace in two years at 3 . 3 % in march 食品價格的上漲導致cpi在3月份創出了兩年以來的最高增速3 . 3 % 。

The annual growth in the consumer price index ( cpi ) surged to 5 . 6 percent in july , the highest in a decade 七月份的消費者物價指數年比上漲5 . 6 % ,創十年來新高。

Information systems - recorded magnetic tape for information interchange - 6250 cpi , group - coded recording 信息系統.信息交換用可記錄磁帶. 6250 cpi組編碼記錄

The 68 - month - long deflation ended in july 2004 . cpi inflation in 2005 is expected to be 1 . 5 % 長達68個月的通縮已在2004年7月結束,預計2005年通脹為1

6250 cpi information systems - recorded magnetic tape for information interchange - 6250 cpi , group - coded recording 信息系統.信息交換用已記錄的磁帶

The rates rebate brought down the composite cpi in that quarter by around 1 . 4 percentage points 政府在第四季退還差餉,令綜合消費物價指數下跌約1

Judging by cpi ( consumer price index ) , china has been attacked twice since 1998 從居民消費價格指數上判斷, 1998年以來我國兩次陷入了通貨緊縮。

The cost performance index ( cpi ) , which is the ratio of budgeted costs to actual costs . 成本業績指數( cpi ) ,是預算成本與實際成本的比值。