
cpc CPC = Communist Party of Chi...


Advanced culture and the construction of progressiveness of the cpc 論先進文化與黨的先進性建設

Advancement of the cpc and marxism with chinese characteristics 馬克思主義中國化的民族化命題論

The value and realization of the value of running state of the cpc 黨的執政理念的價值及其實現

Optimizing cpc ' s ruling environment and its ruling ability 優化黨的執政環境與增強黨的執政能力

On eliminating formalism and strengthening the leadership of the cpc 克服形式主義加強黨的建設

The best ways quot; the copyright act of cpc quot; agrees with editing work 與編輯加工的契合點

A consideration on construction of the cpc party after china join wto 后黨的建設的前瞻性思考

Multidimension survey strengthen the governing legitimacy of cpc 增強黨執政合法性的多維審視

Three issues to be faced by the cpc s organ of the country 農村黨組織建設必須面對的三大課題

Systemization : the fundamental road for the style construction of cpc 黨的作風建設的治本之路

Thoughts on selecting cadres outside cpc under new situation 關于新形勢下黨外干部選拔的思考

The cpc ' s governing doctrines in the new era 新時期黨的執政思想淺析

Cpc has always been emphasizing strategic thinking 摘要重視戰略性思維是我們黨的優良傳統。

On the relationship between the trade union and cpc 論工會與黨的關系

Research of aqueous two - phase system of sds - cpc mixed surfactants 混合表面活性劑雙水相體系

Three principle problems of the cpc ' s founding history 是非的三個問題

The advancement of cpc and working class 黨的先進性與工人階級的先進性

Marxist philosophy and 80th anniversary of founding of cpc 全國黨校系統哲學理論研討會綜述

Strengthening the reigning ability of cpc and the united front 統一戰線與黨的執政能力建設