
cpa 短語和例子CPA =1.Canadian Pacific...


Certified public accountant cpa 執業會計師

How many hours are necessary to prepare adequately for the cpa examination 我是否須上復習課程來準備美國會計師考試

Audit fees are the economic link between cpa and auditees 審計費用是注冊會計師和委托客戶之間聯系的“經濟紐帶” 。

Some revelations of amp; lt ; the sarbanes - oxley act of 2002 amp; gt ; for chinese cpa 對中國注冊會計師行業監管的啟示

Cpa canadian pacific airlines 加拿大太平洋航空

Cpa capacity requirements planning 能力需求計劃

Influence of irish anti - money laundering procedures on chinese cpa 愛爾蘭的反洗錢程序對我國注冊會計師行業的啟示

Will practical public accounting experience help me pass the cpa examination 會計實務經驗是否有助于我通過考試

Chapter 4 , the analysis of china ’ s service cpa industry market 第五章,我國注冊會計師服務業市場行為分析。

The cpa of united kingdom carries out audit and non - audit 英國注冊會計師業務主要包括審計業務和非審計業務。

The survey results have been audited by c . k . yau & company , cpa 上述調查報告數字已經邱在光會計師行核實。

Practical analysis on activity model of china ' s cpa audit opinion 我國注冊會計師審計意見行為模式的實證分析

Mandatory disclosure and cpa auditing in china ' s securities market 中國證券市場信息披露制度與獨立審計研究

I have a driver ' s license , and i am a cpa ( certified public accountant ) 我有駕駛執照,我是注冊會計師。

The survey results have been audited by c . k . yau company , cpa 上述調查報告數字已經邱在光會計師行核實。

Part analyses the governance of western cpa firms 第二部分:對西方會計師事務所的治理結構進行透視。

Discussion about cause of cpa ' s moral hazard and credibility crisis 關于我國注冊會計師職業道德建設問題

Analysis of problems about cpa profession regulation on the securities market 證券市場監管的經濟分析

The cpa audit quality is the life of the cpa firm 第四章中國上市公司注冊會計師審計質量:改進路徑。