
cp 短語和例子CP =1.Communist Party 共...


Cp esterifing reaction Cp酯化反應

An investigation report for the psychological quality of the cp members in sanming college 三明高專黨員干部心理素質調查研究

Physics that goes beyond the standard model can generate additional cp violation 超越標準模型的物理可以產生額外的cp違逆。

A total of 7884 children with cp were born during the study period 在這項研究所包含的時間段內,一共有7884名腦癱患兒出生。

Cp encourages officers to enhance police performance and reputation with photos 警務處處長勉勵警員提升警隊表現和聲譽附圖

Cp condensation product 冷凝物,濃縮物

Sulfaquinoxaline sodium cp 磺胺喹惡啉鈉

Computer power center cp 計算機動力中心

Emulate legacy operating systems on linux : from cp m to openvms , linux does it all 服務器診所:在linux上仿真老式操作系統

Co2 combining power , co2 cp 二氧化碳結合力

Study of discourse cohesion from the cognitive perspective of cp and pp theories 談陀思妥耶夫斯基小說中的自殺人物

Next , we set a variable called cp for our compilation classpath 然后,我們為編譯類路徑設置一個叫作cp的變量。

Hur ji - hoon , go to the cp room now 何智勛,回房去

Weak interaction breaks cp . by cpt theorem , it breaks t as well 弱相互作用中時間反演被破壞的含義是什么呢?

This general principle is called the cooperative principle ( cp ) 他認為會話的最高原則是合作,稱為合作原則。

Cp i prevented uva from oxidative damaging l929 was studied 評價cp對uva氧化損傷的l929細胞的保護作用。

The application of cp and pp to college english teaching 從認知語境看漢語品牌英譯的縮略語形式及其歧義問題

Application of cp and pp in interpreting 禮貌原則與口譯

Violations of cp in light of relevance theory 的關聯性解釋