
cozy adj.= cosy.


It ' s really uncomfortable outside yet it ' s really cozy in here 在外面真的是不舒服然而在這里真的是很舒適的。

I ' m sure you ' ll find it cozy , sir . - cozy is hardly the word -你會覺得很舒適的,先生. -舒適不是一個恰當的詞

Kevin tawil looking pretty cozy , and i thought that maybe .和凱文塔維爾兩人看上去很親熱,我以為他們也許

And hymns in the cozy parlor , the tinkling piano our guide 贊歌回蕩于舒暖的客廳,叮咚的鋼琴是我們的向導。

See now ? that ' s much cozier 看看,這里不是舒適多了嗎

I can do everything through pine the cozy family who gives me strength 我靠著松社給我的力量,凡事都能作。

It makes us feel safe and cozy 讓我們感覺到安全和舒適

That night was so peaceful and cozy 是夜如此平靜愜意。

Build an intelligent and cozy home 清華智能社區解決方案

He lives in a cozy little room 他住在一個舒適的小屋里。

Romance blooms in cozy corners of cinemas 影院的浪漫角落

Are getting cozy tonight . cohen , 今晚要舒服一下了- cohen

The open style bathrooms make you feel cozy , vogue and unique 通透式浴室,讓您體會溫馨時尚別具匠心

Oh , wow . this is great . it ' s so cozy 哇哦,這真棒,很舒適

Are getting cozy tonight . cohen , -今晚要舒服一下了- cohen

Your other so - called friend in a cozy little triumvirate 還有你那所謂的朋友組成一個安逸的三人同盟

Justin : it ? s a nice , cozy place 賈斯汀:噢,很好,挺舒適的。

The room has a nice cozy feel 這房間給人非常溫暖舒適的感覺。

It serves my needs . it ' s cozy . homey 我想要的都有了,舒適自在