
cozen vt.1.騙走某人的某物 (out of sth.)。2...


To remedy which our cozening dames and damsels brought him his fodder in their apronlaps and as soon as his belly was full he would rear up on his hind quarters to show their ladyships a mystery and roar and bellow out of him in bull s language and they all after him 為了不使其受累,工于心計之婦人及姑娘乃將飼料兜在圍裙中為彼送去。飽餐后,彼用后腿立起,供太大小姐一窺奧秘,并以公牛之語既吼且叫,伊等聲效之。 ”

“ don ' t worry about it , i will care . if i was with child , i will not cozen you , aha ! ” the refreshing voice of the woman rang again “你放心好了啦,我不會那么不注意的,即便是有了也不會瞞你的,嘿嘿! ”女人清爽的聲音再度響起!

A clever lawyer can cozen the prisoner into an admission of guilt 一個聰明的律師能施小計誘使囚犯承認有罪。

The clever salesman cozened the old lady into buying his goods 聰明的推銷員誘使老太太買下了他的東西。

Call me cousin , but cozen me out 與我攀親可以,欺騙我可不行

Her uncle cozened her out of her inheritance 她叔叔誘使她放棄了繼承權。

The old man cozened me into giving him some money 那老頭哄騙我給了他一些錢。