
coz n.〔口語〕= cousin.


Why ? coz if you have a very good night sleep , you will feel fresh in the morning and you could not have hoped for a better outcome , i bet 猜猜他是誰?對了,丹麥的安徒生,希望今晚,大家能在他那美好的童話世界中,睡個飽!

U hv a damn good shape , can u give me some tips and suggestions ? coz i really wanna lose some weight but . . . . . . . . . . . . . failed 你的身材不錯,我很羨慕,所以想減肥!但是一直沒有找到合適的方法解決這個問題!你能給我些建議嗎?

The english language itself is not our goal , ' coz what we ' re seeking is the fertile fruits of one of the greatest culture the world can offer us 但這次不一樣:這次我們既能夠做好事情,又能夠享受樂趣,何樂而不為?

Just wanna please you , coz you re my one oh la la , oh my god , i can t deny it almost fell in love with you 喜歡你在我身邊淺淺地呼吸你的發已柔柔撒在我心底更愛聽你喋喋不休說著你的貓咪嗚害羞時候可以逃進我懷里

God knows everything about you coz you ' re a frequent topic in my pray , so be careful , treat me bad is god forbidden 上帝也十分了解你因為你是我的祈禱中常常出現的話題,所以不要對我不好,否則神也會你生氣。

But tess , my coz , as i used to call you , this is only my way of talking , and you must not look so horribly concerned 可是苔絲,我的堂妹,我曾經這樣叫過你,這只是我對你的一種叫法,你不要看起來這樣害怕。

But through all this time , remember one thing . i ' ll love you forever , ' coz to my life , love and light , you bring 在往后的歲月里,請你記住一件事,那就是,我將永遠愛你,因為你為我的生活,帶來了愛與光明。

First i ride an elephant & horse with my mum . . . i ' m so scared coz the height . . but that ' s have fun ! 首先第一站,我地就去左騎大象,上到只大象上面,真系覺得好高,好恐怖,之后又坐馬車,都幾好玩呀,哈哈!

The author proposes that it is mainly the freshwater of changjiang river that leads to the sink of co2 in the east china sea in summer 提出了“長江沖淡水是造成東海夏季coz匯區的主要原因”的觀點。

But through all this time , remember one thing . i ' ll love you forever , ' coz to my life , love and light , you bring 你從未完全屬于我,或一如既往的愛我,但是我的心將永遠屬于你,直到我離開這個世界。

U r so lucky , coz u can choose to love me or not , but myself only have to choose from loving u or loving u more 你是幸運的,因為你可以選擇愛我或不愛我,而我只能選擇愛你還是更愛你。

Your love s all i need i want you to show me how coz we re meant to be , you addicted me 絕不帶任何反悔的意思你看也不看我的樣子愛最好敢快給我消失一走了之一走了之一走了之嗚

Infact u r pretty lucky , coz u can chos 2 luv me or not , within me . . . i can only chos 2 luv u or luv u even more 其實你真的很幸福,因為你可以選擇愛我或不愛我,而我只能選擇愛你或更愛?

Well dominic believes that others that the man based right here are wrong . that ' s all i know ' coz that all he has told me 多米尼克認為人們現在關于食罪人的認識都是錯的。

You are everything to me and you are my life . without you , i ' ll die . coz you are me and i am you 你是我的一切,我的生命。沒有你,我將失去生命。因為你就是我,我就是你。

But stay alert , coz as the night progresses , your reflexes tend to become slower 不過要注意既就系,隨著夜色游走,你的精力會漸漸消耗最后越來越慢哦

I don ' t like wearing long johns coz if i go into a warm place i sweat a little 我不喜歡穿棉毛內衣褲,因為到了一個比較暖和的地方以后會有點出汗。

There is a genuine fear in selling totti coz he is homegrown hero and local boy ! ! 賣掉托蒂的確是個真正的災難,因為他是羅馬本地土生土長的英雄。

Coz we re meant to be , you addicted me to the way you smile your smile always moves me 一走了之算不算堅強的表示一走了之算不算不負責任的男子