
coyote n.(pl. coyotes, 〔集合詞〕 coyote...


In coyote , allen steele delivers a grand novel of galactic adventure - a tale of life on the newest of frontiers 在《郊狼星》里,艾倫?斯蒂爾給我們帶來一個氣勢恢宏的星際冒險故事,以及一段去到那遙遠邊緣的人們的傳奇人生。

Coyote jakes , inc . - specializing in gear for shooting enthusiasts . includes products , photo gallery , trophy room , online order information and contacts 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網志,以及多個應用項目。

Coyotes have also been known to frequent the farm , where the university “ s animal science students work as part of their hands - on training 羅德島大學動物專業的學生在該農場實習,將其作為實踐課程的一部分。

The rabbit zips by , but the coyote balks at the sight of us and skulks off , deprived of his dinner 兔子咻地沖過去,草原狼卻因我們的目光而躊躇不前,最后不得不放棄?的晚餐。

They are also home to various wildlife , including bison , elk , coyotes , and prairie dogs 它們也是各式野生動物的家鄉,包括北美野牛、美洲赤鹿、郊狼及草原土撥鼠。

Paula : waitwait . . we talking about the coyotes here ? all right , a cow got through 等等,等等…我們在這里說的是狼群,對吧?一頭牛竟然安全通過了!

Now this could have been foxes or coyotes , but my great - great grandma knew better 還有件最離奇的事情,那就是牲畜的腳踝和尾巴都出現了咬傷的痕跡。

Now and again the hunter can hear a long - draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote 獵人不時能聽見某只看不見的小林狼發出的拖長的哀嚎。

The sheriff announced a bounty of 15 dollars for the pelt of every coyote killed 那位長官宣布每張殺死的狼皮付15美元的賞金。

“ the coyote of the desert “沙漠的野狼

Fire coyote co + yo + te increases physical resistance . increases burn spell level 火焰增加物理抗性,增加火焰灼傷效果等級。

Just a couple of coyotes 不過是幾只山狗

Coyote moon high polish chrome 山狗嘯月

Q : what ' s the only difference between wild e coyote and a ranger 卡通片里一頭叢林狼的名字)和游俠的唯一區別是什么?

Tell him i ' m not a coyote 告訴他我不是草原狼

What ' s the only difference between wild e coyote and a ranger 卡通片里一頭叢林狼的名字)和游俠的唯一區別是什么?

“ we are seeing coyote fees go up to $ 1 , 500 to $ 2 , 500 per person 我們正看到人均費用漲到了1500美金到2500美金。

For sightings of this coyote 注意這只郊狼的出現

We spin around to see a coyote in hot pursuit of a panicked rabbit 一轉身,一只草原狼正追逐一只受驚的兔子。