
coy n.科伊〔姓氏,男子名〕。


As for him , he had had enough of diana ; she had been a great deal too coy with him , he averred 他受盡了月神的氣月神對他大擺架子。月神發誓要監視他,并對他進行報復。

Lazio captain massimo oddo was coy over questions regarding new contract talks after last night ' s derby victory 在德比勝利之后,拉齊奧隊長奧多對續約問題含糊其詞

On his annual bend , m coy said . they drink in order to say or do something or cherchez la femme 他們縱酒是為了說點什么或者做點什么,要么就是為了追女人182 。

On grattan bridge lenehan and m coy , taking leave of each other , watched the carriages go by 在格拉但橋上,利內翰和麥科伊正在一邊相互告別,一邊望著馬車經過。

So let me admit something right off the bat that i ' ve been sort of coy about up till now : we goofed 現在我來立即承認一件我一直沒有直言的事吧:我們搞糟了。

Tooraloo , lenehan said , see you later . he followed m coy out across the tiny square of crampton court 他跟著麥科伊走了出去,穿過克蘭普頓大院的小方場。

Bartell d arcy sang and benjamin dollard . - i know , m coy broke in . my missus sang there once “我曉得, ”麥科伊插了嘴, “我太太也在那兒唱過一次。 ”

Tell him i m boylan with impatience . - goodnight , m coy said abruptly , when you two begin “晚安, ”麥科伊抽冷子說, “當你們兩個人著手干起來的時候”

“ yes , “ she said , and she began to giggle again , sheepishly , and with a pretense of being coy “是埃”說著她又傻笑開了,很忸怩,作出一副害羞的樣子。

He is a rather quaint fellow on the whole , coy though not feeble - minded in the medical sense 整個說來,他挺古怪。從醫學上看,他雖靦腆,但不低能。

I m weak , he gasped . m coy s white face smiled about it at instants and grew grave 麥科伊那張白臉不時地對此泛出一絲微笑,隨即神情又變得嚴肅起來。

You ' ve been a little bit coy about how much money is involved , but it doesn ' t really matter 你對這筆錢多少表現的有些不好意思,不過這無關緊要。

After liquids came solids . cold joints galore and mince pies . - i know , m coy said 喝足了才吃,大塊的冷凍肘子有的是,還有百果餡餅114 ”

He moved a little to the side of m coy s talking head . getting up in a minute 他把頭略微偏過去一點,好躲開麥科伊那張談興正濃的臉。

What party ? look at you acting all coy and stuff . man , you know what party 什么派對?瞧瞧你裝瘋賣傻的樣子伙計,你知道是什么派對

I met m coy this morning , mr bloom said . he said he d try to come “今天早晨我遇見了麥科伊, ”布盧姆先生說, “他說他盡可能來。 ”

M coy valise 麥科伊的手提箱。

Damn it . i might have tried to work m coy for a pass to mullingar 唉呀,我本可以托麥科伊給弄張去穆林加爾的免費車票呢。

Stop this coy bride act now 你別害羞了