
coxswain n.(賽艇的)艇長,舵手〔略 cox〕;(艦船的)艇手。...


The dirk , where it had pinned my shoulder to the mast , seemed to burn like a hot iron ; yet it was not so much these real sufferings that distressed me , for these , it seemed to me , i could bear without a murmur ; it was the horror i had upon my mind of falling from the cross - trees into that still green water , beside the body of the coxswain 把我釘在桅桿上的短劍像烙鐵一般灼熱難忍。然而,讓我驚慌恐懼的倒不是這點皮肉之苦,老實說,這點痛苦我可以一聲不哼地挺過去,我怕的是從桅頂橫桁上掉進平靜的碧水中,挨在副水手長的尸體旁。

With these i came on deck , put down my own stock behind the rudder - head , and well out of the coxswain s reach , went forward to the water - breaker , and had a good , deep drink of water , and then , and not till then , gave hands the brandy 我把這些吃的都帶到甲板上,放在舵柄后面副水手長夠不著的地方然后來到淡水桶旁,喝了個夠最后才把那點白蘭地遞給漢茲。

I should , i think , have had nothing left me to desire but for the eyes of the coxswain as they followed me derisively about the deck , and the odd smile that appeared continually on his face 只是副水手長總是盯著我,一副看不起我的架勢我在甲板上走到哪里,他那雙眼睛就盯到那里,臉還呈現出一種皮笑肉不笑的表情。

One i recognised for the coxswain s , israel hands , that had been flint s gunner in former days . the other was , of course , my friend of the red night - cap 我聽出其中一個聲音是副水手長伊斯萊爾漢茲的,他曾經做過弗林特的炮手。另一個聲音,當然是出自那個戴紅帽子的家伙。

And the coxswain , israel hands , was a careful , wily , old , experienced seaman , who could be trusted at a pinch with almost anything 而舵手伊斯萊爾漢茲,是個細心的足智多謀的老練的。經驗豐富的水手,在緊要時刻,幾乎任何事情都可以放心地交給他做。

The coxswain told me how to lay the ship to ; after a good many trials i succeeded , and we both sat in silence , over another meal 副水手長教我怎樣掉轉船頭向風停駛,經過多次試驗后終于成功地把船停下來。然后,我們靜靜地坐了下來,又吃了一頓。

Now , the coxswain s hesitation seemed to be unnatural ; and as for the notion of his preferring wine to brandy , i entirely disbelieved it 副水手長的健忘看起來不大自然至于他想喝葡萄酒而不是白蘭地,我絕不相信。

In the meantime , the squire and the captain stayed on deck and the latter hailed the coxswain , who was the principal man aboard 與此同時,鄉紳和船長留在甲板上,后者還向舵手這是船上那幫人的頭頭打了招呼。

So near were we , indeed , that my head came against the coxswain s foot with a crack that made my teeth rattle 我和副水手長挨得那么近,以至于我的頭咚地一聲撞在了他的腳上,差點把我的牙撞掉。

Dick s square , said silver . oh , i know d dick was square , returned the voice of the coxswain , israel hands “哦,我曉得狄克是我們這邊的, ”舵手伊斯萊爾漢茲的聲音回答說。

“ tomorrow you shall see that with your own eyes “ tomorrow come never “ muttered the coxswain “明天你會親眼看到的。 ” “永遠會不會有那一天! ”艇長喃喃地說。

Coaches , coxswains & referees safety meeting : 09 : 00 am @ canoe club launching area 客車,舵手與裁判員安全會議:上午09 : 00 @獨木舟俱樂部發射區域。

John , cries the coxswain , you re a man ! you ll say so , israel , when you see , said silver “你可以這么說,伊斯萊爾,當你眼見之時, ”西爾弗說。

Among the arrested men , an 18 - year - old man was found to be the coxswain of the sampan 被捕人士中,一名十八歲男子為舢舨船長。

Four with coxswain 四人單槳有舵手

Coxswains do not weigh in 舵手不稱在里面。

Growled the coxswain 水手長忿忿不平地說道。

He s no common man , barbecue , said the coxswain to me “大叉燒,他是個不同尋常的人, ”舵手對我說。