
coxal adj.基節的;髖骨的。 coxal gland [jo...


Answer : “ law of 10 “ word : crack side of apical towards the left from buttock or on the right side of equalize is horizontal , make one perpendicular bisector from qia ji apogee next , will coxal cent is 4 quadrant , quadrant goes up outside its and escape an internal angle ( connect a line to big rotor from the thorn on qia hind ) it is inject area namely 答: “十“字法:從臀裂頂點向左側或右側劃一水平線,然后從髂嵴最高點作一垂直平分線,將臀部分為四個象限,其外上象限并避開內角(從髂后上棘至大轉子連線)即為注射區。

Crack side of apical towards the left from buttock or on the right side of equalize is horizontal , make one perpendicular bisector from qia ji apogee next , will coxal cent is 4 quadrant , quadrant goes up outside its and escape an internal angle ( connect a line to big rotor from the thorn on qia hind ) it is inject area namely 從臀裂頂點向左側或右側劃一水平線,然后從髂嵴最高點作一垂直平分線,將臀部分為四個象限,其外上象限并避開內角(從髂后上棘至大轉子連線)即為注射區。

The cervical vertebra good recovery instrument is a medical instrument used for pulling , fixing and massaging the nape , it can prevent and treat various kinds of cervical vertebra diseases such as bone hyperplasia , fracture misplacement coxal projecting of the cervical vertebra “頸椎康復器”是一種用于頸部的牽引、外固定、按摩的醫療器械,適用于防治頸椎病、頸椎骨質增生、頸椎錯位、頸椎間盤突出;還適用于因基底動脈不足引起的頸性頭暈、暈厥等癥狀的治療。