
cox n.〔口語〕(賽艇的)舵手,艇長。vt.,vi.做舵手[...


The cox report says that china purchased these machine tools for the purpose of manufacturing military equipment 《考克斯報告》認為,中國購買這些機床的目的是用于軍事裝備的制造。

Kerrianne cox , the conference speaker , says the extent of the problem has gone too far and it ' s time for it to stop 會議演講者可倫可思說,這個問題已經惡化到不行,必須要停止了。

“ just holiday shopping , getting rid of extra cash we got , ” explained shoppers christmas cox and kotrina aldag 只不過是假日購物,放棄我們應得的額外現金。一名購物者這么些說道。

Sequence analysis of mtdna cox 1 gene indicates that contracaecum ogmorhini from the northern hemisphere represents a new species 1序列分析支持北半球歐氏對盲囊線蟲是一個新種

Courteney cox , who was born and raised in birmingham , alabama , is known as cc to friends and family 考特妮?考克斯出生和成長在阿拉巴馬州的伯明翰,她的朋友和家人喜歡叫她cc 。

Expression of cox - 2 in gastric carcinomas and its relationship to tumor angiogenesis and micrometastasis in peripheral blood 2的表達與腫瘤血管生成及周圍靜脈血微轉移的關系

Ed cox works for the local government information unit on cohesion , engagement and leadership issues 埃德考克斯在地方政府信息辦公室任職,主要負責聯絡、實施和指導工作。

In 1920 , radio station kdka in pittsburgh broadcast returns from the harding - cox presidential election 1920年的今天,美國廣播電臺kdka在匹茲堡播放了哈丁-考克斯總統大選

Training - results - based management managing for change - introducing the art of results - based management doc . philip cox 培訓資料-項目管理培訓pmt -結果導向的管理rbm

Many kinds of fish are rich in omega - 3 fatty acids , which interfere with the cyclooxygenase - 2 or cox - 2 enzyme 很多魚類中所富含的omega - 3脂肪酸能夠抑制環氧化酶2的活性。

Miz cox - foster says the nation needs honeybees that can defend themselves better against disease and insects 研究人員也同時在研究花粉、蜂蜜以及由蜜蜂產生的蠟。

Campus facilities include a new recreation center , stores , restaurants , a bank and cox arena 校園內有一座新建的娛樂中心、商店、餐廳、銀行及各式活動場所。

Cox , who weighs 7st 3lbs ( 101lbs ) and wears a british size six , is terrified of being fat 考克斯體重一百零一磅,穿英國尺碼六號的衣服,她非常害怕會發胖。

Mr cox urged the department of justice to fall in behind it , but this week it declined to do so 考克斯強烈希望能得到律政司的支持,但貌似在本周遭到拒絕。

Cox and her team said the most likely reason for the shared diseases was environment 科克斯和她的研究小組認為, “共享疾病”最可能的原因是環境。

Diana cox - foster of pennsylvaniastateuniversity is part of the scientific group 一個由科學家組成的團隊正在對全國范圍內的100多個蜂群進行測試。

The cox report also offers a large number of distortions about china ' s space undertakings 《考克斯報告》對中國的航天事業也進行了大量的歪曲。

Capacity building community based waterbird conservation activity in coxs bazar , bangladesh 孟加拉科克斯巴札爾培訓與社區為本的水鳥保育活動

Cox plays a tv reporter chasing down a serial killer in horror flick scream 考克斯在恐怖片《尖聲驚叫》中扮演一個追蹤連環殺手的電視記者。