
cowshed 牛舍,牛棚。


Rostov too , like the german , waved his cap over his bead , and laughing cried : and hurrah for all the world ! though there was no reason for any special rejoicing either for the german , clearing out his shed , or for rostov , coming back from foraging for hay , both these persons gazed at one another in delighted ecstasy and brotherly love , wagged their heads at each other in token of their mutual affection , and parted with smiles , the german to his cowshed , and rostov to the cottage he shared with denisov 無論是這個清掃牛欄的德國人,還是那個隨同一排人來領干草的羅斯托夫,都沒有任何理由值得特別高興,但是這兩個人都心懷幸福的歡樂和兄弟般的愛心彼此望了一眼,晃了晃腦袋表示彼此之間的友愛,他們面露微笑地走開了,德國人走回牛欄,羅斯托夫走進他和杰尼索夫一同占用的農舍。

Based on large amounts of investigations on domestic dairy housings at present in beijing and aimed at dairy breeding technology - dairy building parameters - dairy structure , this paper made the portal frame of light - weight steel structure in cowshed to be the researched case and elaborated the theories and methods of structure optimization of portal frame of light - weight steel structure in cowshed . at last , some conclusions were drawn 本文在大量調查研究的基礎上,針對目前我國牛舍發展落后的現狀,針對北京地區,從成乳牛舍內飼養工藝?成乳牛舍建筑參數確定?成乳牛舍結構角度出發,選取輕型門式剛架牛舍作為研究對象,闡述了輕型門式剛架牛舍結構優化的理論和方法,并取得了一些結論。

The german , on whom they were billeted , looked out of the cowshed , wearing a jerkin and a pointed cap , and holding a fork , with which he was clearing out the dung 德國主人穿一件毛衣,戴尖頂帽子,拿著叉子清除牛糞,他從牛欄里向外面瞥了一眼。當德國人一看見羅斯托夫,他的臉色頓時開朗起來。

The german laughed , came right out of the cowshed , pulled off his cap , and waving it over his head , cried : and long live all the world 德國人笑了起來,干脆走出牛欄門,摘下尖頂帽子,舉在頭頂上晃了一下,高聲喊道:

Articulated plate cowshed cleaner 鏈板式牛舍除糞器

Have you not lit the lamp in the cowshed 你還沒有把牛柵里的燈點起來么

Hay had been cut and cowsheds had been cleaned 干草已切好,牛棚也打掃干凈了。