
cowry n.【貝類】瑪瑙貝。


Hello , i ' m a ancient sword lover and badao forum is that i read everyday . but the ancient weapon i saw is rusted badly , or polished badly . i think for the sake to protect the little ancient weapon , whether ask a teacher such as mr . wudao to publish some posts about how to protect and polish ancient weapon . i think it ' s good for us to protect them . afterall as for some ancient weapon which needs polish a person had some polish knowledge must be more professional than a layman , and the damage to the weapon must also be less . i also know that ancient sword is better not to be polished , but we can ' t disturb peasants ' passion for earning more money . i think if let them polish randomly , we ' d better teach them some knowledge , which can decrease the damage , and leave some cowry to our offspring 大家好,我也是古刀兵愛好者,拔刀論壇是我每天必看的.但我在下面見到的古兵不是銹蝕的不象樣子,就是被人用沙輪磨的面目全非.我想為了更好的保護本來就遺存不多的古刀兵,能否請無刀先生這樣的老師定期發幾個貼子,就古刀兵的保護,研磨(有些不磨不行)的基本,基礎知識給我們上幾節普及課.我想這樣更有利于古兵的保護.畢竟對有些不磨不行的古兵器有些研磨知識的人對它的研磨是比門外漢來得專業些,對其損傷小些.我也知道古刀劍最好不磨,但我們誰也左右不了鄉下農民兄弟想多掙錢的熱情,我認為與其認其亂磨,還不如教其些知識,減輕破壞率,為子孫多留些寶貝

Sister long ' s beautiful pics and cowry are on tv , and at this time it ' s a free advertisement 哇!龍妹的靚相和寶貝都在電視里面,這回可是免費做廣告了!

Besides the posts of above are very good , and they let me see the man ' s cowry of other nations 另,摟主的貼子都很好,讓我們看到了其他民族男人的寶貝!

Her husband looks on that radio as cowry laughing at her all the time 她丈夫把收音機看的象寶貝總是嘲笑她