
cowrie n.【貝類】瑪瑙貝。


The management of this marine park is similar to other marine parks except that two core areas have been established at the northeastern coast of the island . they cover the part of the coastal area with the highest coverage of stony corals and a diverse assemblage of marine lives . these include fishes like butterfly fish , damsel fish , groupers , and other invertebrates like sea urchin , sea cucumbers and cowries 該海岸公園的管理模式與其他海岸公園相似,唯一不同之處是在東北沿海地區設立了兩個核心區,該兩個核心區的石珊瑚覆蓋率甚高,并有多種海洋生物,包括魚類如蝴蝶魚、雀鯛和石斑,以及無脊椎動物如海膽、海參和寶貝。

Stephen s embarrassed hand moved over the shells heaped in the cold stone mortar : whelks and money , cowries and leopard shells : and this , whorled as an emir s turban , and this , the scallop of saint james 斯蒂芬那雙尷尬的手撫摩著堆在冰冷的石缽里的貝殼,蛾螺子安貝豹貝,這個有螺紋的像是酋長的頭巾,還有這個圣詹姆斯的扇貝45 。

A hundred years ago you could still pay your taxes in uganda in cowrie shells 100年前你還能用子安貝貝殼在烏干達繳稅。

Have you seen money cowrie used in the qin dynasty 你看過先秦時代的原貝長得什么模樣?