
cowpox 牛痘。


Some compounds made from separate virus strains have been successfully used in vaccines against viruses from the same subfamily , such as smallpox in humans , which is made from cowpox virus , and human measles vaccines for canine distemper in puppies 一些單獨的病毒的混合,已經成功做成對抗病毒的疫苗,譬如像人類的天花,是相同的亞科病毒,是利用牛痘病毒做成的,而且人類的麻疹為小狗的大瘟熱疫苗。

It belongs to a group of viruses that includes the smallpox virus ( variola ) , the virus used in the smallpox vaccine ( vaccinia ) , and the cowpox virus 它屬于一個包括天花病毒、在天花疫苗中采用的病毒和牛痘病毒的病毒組。

Other orthpoxviruses that cause infections in humans include variola ( smallpox ) , vaccinia ( used for smallpox vaccine ) , and cowpox viruses 其他導致人類感染的正痘病毒包括天花、牛痘(用于天花疫苗)和牛痘病毒。