
cowpea 〔美國〕藜豆〔飼料〕;豇豆。


By means of plant genetic engineering , foreign insects resistance gene can be transferred into plant cell . we cloned the cpti gene and transferred it into mustard by agrobacterium - mtdi & ted transformation method . and obtained the transgenic mustard plants . the main results are as follows : 1 . isolation of cpti gene total rna was isolated from cowpea seedss cotyledons and leaves . the cpti gene fragment was amplified by rt - pcr using sequences of its two sides as primers 本實驗是利用植物基因工程獲得抗蟲的轉基因芥菜植株,結果如下: 1豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制劑基因的分離分別提取豇豆種子、子葉及葉片的總rna ,逆轉錄成cdna 。以豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制劑基因兩端的序列為引物,用rt - pcr的熱啟動方法從上述cdna中擴增出目的基因片斷。

The cowpea trypsin inhibitor ( cptt ) gene is testified as a broad spectrum insect - resistant gene at present and its application in insect - resistant botanic transgenic engineering only after s / gene . the cpti transgenic plant developed rapidly for it ' s broad spectrum insect - resistant character and the target insects are uneasy tolerance to it 豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制劑( cpti )基因是目前在植物抗蟲基因工程中應用僅次于bt基因的廣譜性抗蟲基因。鑒于它抗害蟲的廣譜性和靶標昆蟲不易對其產生耐受性的優點,轉cpti基因植物得到了迅速的發展。

The occurance of powdery mildew , rust , maruca testulalis geye of cowpea were studied after cowpea had been handled by different kinds of foliar fertilization , and the indexes such as ppo and yields , were measured . . the results showd that , using fertilizers reasonably could raise resistance of plants to pest , increase yields of crops and guarantee quality of products 摘要研究了經不同葉面肥處理后,豇豆白粉病、銹病、豆野螟的發生情況,測定了多酚氧化酶( ppo ) 、產量指標,結果表明,合理施肥能夠提高植物對有害生物的抗性,增加產量,保證品質。

The minor grain and bean crops are commonly called the minor grain crops , which mainly cover buckwheat ( common buckwheat and bitter buckwheat ) , oats , corn millet , naked barley , mung bean , adzuki bean , pea , broad bean , kidney bean , cowpea , hyacinth bean and black soy bean 小宗糧豆作物通常被稱為小雜糧,主要包括蕎麥(甜蕎和苦蕎) 、燕麥、糜子、青稞、綠豆、小豆、豌豆、蠶豆、蕓豆、豇豆、小扁豆、黑豆等。

Neither the private nor the public sector has invested significantly in new genetic technologies for the so - called orphan crops such as cowpea , millet , sorghum and teff , which are critical for the food supply and livelihoods of the world s poorest people “ 不管私人或公共企業都還沒顯著的在新的遺傳技術方面投資,包括那所謂的孤兒農作物,例如牛豆,稷,蜀黍屬的植物以及

Vp53 / vp37 genes have similar positions in rna2 to 58 - kd / 48 - kd movement protein ( mp ) genes of cowpea mosaic virus ( cpmv ) and encoded conserved motif of “ 30k super group “ mp 通過與同科的豇豆花葉病毒( cpmv )基因組編碼區的比較發現, vp53 vp37與cpmv58 - kd 48 - kd移動蛋白的編碼位置相同并存在一定同源性,并且vp53 vp37內含有病毒移動蛋白特有的“ 30k超組”保守模體。

Childhood is a square array arranged with luxuriant cowpea , expecting the arrival of bees and butterflies who will dance to the innocent and beautiful dream of their tiny hearts 童年是一丘茂盛的豇豆排成的方陣,企望蜂蜂蝶蝶的蒞臨,翩躚著小心靈的天真美夢。

Another method that the scientists suggest is to plant sorghum during one growing season , followed by cowpea the next 科學家提出的另一個方法是在一個生長季節種植高梁,在下一生長季節種植豇豆。

Production of cowpeas grew by more than 250 percent during the 1970s , while the area planted expanded by almost 70 percent 在七十年代中,豇豆的生產增長了25以上,而種植面積幾乎擴大了70 。

To 1 month - long cowpea , does not want to tell everybody in here , thecowpea was allowed to harvest like this in 3 weeks 不到1個月的豆角,在這里想告訴大家,豆角這樣在3個星期就可以收獲了。

But on farms that cannot get fertilizer , the best solution may be the method of rotating sorghum with cowpea 但是如果沒有肥料為農田施肥,最好的方法可能就是輪流種植高粱和豇豆。

But on farms that cannot get fertilizer , the best solution may be the method of rotating sorghum with cowpea 但是如果農作物無料可施,最好的解決方法就是輪流種植高粱和豇豆。

Environment temperature and variations of vigour research on cowpea seed be exposed to the sun in different conditions 不同條件下暴曬豇豆種子的環境溫度與活力變化研究

Study on the antagonism of the fermentation product of trichoderma harzianum t2 - 16 against rhizoctonia solani in cowpea plant 哈茨木霉發酵產物對豇豆立枯病的抗生作用

But on farms that cannot get fertilizer , the best solution may be the method of rotating sorghum with cowpea 而對那些沒有養的,最好解決方法就是輪種高梁和豇豆。

Relationship between activities of induced exo - chitinase and - 1 , 3 - glucanase , and resistance of cowpea to uromyces vignae 豇豆銹菌誘導的2種酶活性與抗病性的關系

Pumpkin , green pepper , carrot , onion , egg plant , cowpea , wheat powder , egg , salt , gourmet powder 南瓜青椒紅蘿卜洋蔥茄子梅豆小麥粉全蛋食鹽味精制作方法

A new early cowpea variety - ' yangzaojiang 揚早豇12

Ginger juice clit fry cowpea , ? poached egg white ? steam ? old ? cunt shell 姜汁陰核炒豆角,蛋花清蒸老西殼