
cowley n.考利〔姓氏〕。


Encore , enclap , said , cried , clapped all , ben dollard , lydia douce , george lidwell , pat , mina , two gentlemen with two tankards , cowley , first gent with tank and bronze miss douce and gold miss mina . blazes boylan s smart tan shoes creaked on the barfloor , said before . jingle by monuments of sir john gray , horatio onehandled nelson , reverend father theobald matthew , jaunted as said before just now 本多拉德莉迪亞杜絲喬治利德維爾帕特米娜172 ,面前擺著兩只大酒杯的紳士考利擁著大酒杯的第一位紳士還有褐發女侍杜絲小姐和金發女侍米娜小姐,個個不住他說啊,叫喚啊,拍手啊。

Near bronze from anear near gold from afar they chinked their clinking glasses all , brighteyed and gallant , before bronze lydia s tempting last rose of summer , rose of castille . first lid , de , cow , ker , doll , a fifth : lidwell , si dedalus , bob cowley , kernan and big ben dollard 從近處,在褐發女旁從遠處,在金發女旁在褐發女侍莉迪亞那朵誘人的夏日最后的玫瑰,卡斯蒂利亞的玫瑰跟前,他們一個個目光灼灼,大獻殷勤,丁零當啷地碰著杯。

That ll do , father cowley said , nodding also . the reverend hugh c . love walked from the old chapterhouse of saint mary s abbey past james and charles kennedy s , rectifiers , attended by geraldines tall and personable , towards the tholsel beyond the ford of hurdles 洛夫神父從圣瑪利修道院那古老的教士會堂踱出來,在杰拉爾丁家族那些高大英俊的人們陪伴下,經過詹姆斯與查理肯尼迪合成酒廠,穿過圍欄渡口,朝索爾塞爾走去。

On the steps of the city hall councillor nannetti , descending , hailed alderman cowley and councillor abraham lyon ascending . the castle car wheeled empty into upper exchange street . - look here martin , john wyse nolan said , overtaking them at the mail office 在市政府門前的臺階上,正往下走著的市政委員南尼蒂同往上走的市參議員考利以及市政委員亞伯拉罕萊昂打了招呼。

While goulding talked of barraclough s voice production , while tom kernan , harking back in a retrospective sort of arrangement , talked to listening father cowley who played a voluntary , who nodded as he played 湯姆克南按照回顧性的編排179 ,有條不紊地向洗耳恭聽著的考利神父談著往事。神父正即興彈奏著,邊彈邊點頭。

Hold him now , ben dollard said . mr dedalus eyed with cold wandering scorn various points of ben dollard s figure . then , turning to father cowley with a nod , he muttered sneeringly 迪達勒斯先生以冷峭的目光從頭到腳審視本多拉德一通,隨后掉過身去朝考利神父點了點頭,譏諷地咕噥道:

Why then not much , father cowley said . i m barricaded up , simon , with two men prowling around the house trying to effect an entrance . - jolly , mr dedalus said “沒什么了不起的, ”考利神父說, “我被圍困住了,西蒙,有兩個人在我家周圍蕩來蕩去,拼命想闖進來。 ”

Fatally for the government , it ended up facing these two quite distinct fronts of opposition , according to philip cowley of nottingham university 根據諾丁漢大學菲利普?考雷的觀點,對政府致命的是,她面對這兩種截然不同的反對意見,最終將敗北。

Better , said tomgin kernan . most trenchant rendition of that ballad , upon my soul and honour it is . - lablache , said father cowley “更好哩, ”正喝著杜松子酒的湯姆克南說, “我敢擔保,再也沒有人能把這民歌唱得如此淋漓盡致的了。 ”

You can tell barabbas from me , ben dollard said , that he can put that writ where jacko put the nuts . he led father cowley boldly forward linked to his bulk 他勇敢地領著考利神父朝前走去,就像是把神父拴在自己那龐大的身軀上似的。

How do ? ben dollard s vague bass answered , turning an instant from father cowley s woe . he won t give you any trouble , bob 正在聽考利神父訴苦的本多拉德,掉過臉去,用含含糊糊的男低音說, “他不會來找你什么麻煩了,鮑勃。

Bob cowley lent him his for the wicklow regatta concert last year and never heard tidings of it from that good day to this 去年舉辦威克洛22艇賽音樂會時,鮑勃考利把自己那只借給了他。

She waved , unhearing cowley , her veil to one departing , dear one , to wind , love , speeding sail , return 她對那離去的心上人,對風,對戀情,對疾駛的帆,對歸去者,搖著她的輕紗。

Cowley s red lugs and adam s apple in the door of the sheriff s office . avoid 考利神父那紅潤的耳朵垂兒和突出的喉結出現在行政司法長官公署的門口。

He boomed . hasn t your landlord distrained for rent ? - he has , father cowley said 他聲音洪亮地問, “你的房東不是扣押了你的財物來抵償房租嗎? ”

Cowley it is 那是考利。

Who is it ? - o , father cowley said . a certain gombeen man of our acquaintance “哦, ”考利神父說, “是咱們認識的一個放高利貨的。 ”

Dollard and cowley still urged the lingering singer out with it . - with it , simon 多拉德和考利還在催促那個遲遲疑疑的歌手唱起來。

Father cowley asked 考利神父問。