
cowl n.1.(修道士的)頭罩,帶頭罩的僧衣;兜帽;蘇格蘭睡帽...


It is no effect on a sidewall compression inlet ' s starting characteristics while a starting sidewall compression inlet is moved cowl to increase interior contraction ratio appropriately . back pressure effect on characteristics of self - starting for hypersonic sidewall compression inlet is tested in mach 3 . 85 wind tunnel . the hypersonic sidewall compression inlet with interior contraction ratio 1 . 24 can self - start . unstart hypersonic sidewall compression inlet caused by high back pressure can self - start by moving cowl to decrease interior contraction ratio 最后,實驗研究了反壓對側壓式進氣道自起動特性的影響,內收縮比1 . 24的側壓式進氣道可以實現自起動并且實驗驗證了由于反壓過高而不起動的側壓式進氣道,通過移動唇口板以減小內收縮比可以實現側壓式進氣道的自起動。

Firstly , the creation and rendering theory of 3d model is introduced , as a part of which the technique of substituting texture mapping for polygonal modeling is discussed in detail . bump mapping , as an emphasis , is studied to represent the concavo - convex detail of rivets and screws on the surface of first - segment , second - segment , third - segment and cowling of launch vehicle 首先,本文闡述了真實感三維模型生成理論,著重論述了采用紋理映射來代替多邊形建模的技術,運用凹凸紋理映射技術來表現火箭箭體一子級、二子級、三子級和整流罩表面鉚釘、螺絲釘和?架等表面細節。

He founded with roger sugden and keith cowling the european network on industrial policy studies - eunip , which is today joining more than 150 members in europe , in 1997 with the university of ferrara , birmingham and winsconsin founded the institute of industrial development policy studies , managing a school of industrial development policy studies in ferrara , millwaukee and managua 1988 - 1989年波倫亞大學政治經濟學副教授; 1990年烏迪內大學政治經濟學系主任; 1991年波倫亞大學歐共體經濟與金融系主任、歐洲工業經濟研究協會常

In this thesis , hypersonic sidewall compression inlet ' s self - starting characteristics are numerical simulated and tested . with increasing mach number of inflow gradually , the hypersonic sidewall compression inlets can self - start . compared with the hypersonic sidewall compression inlet starting directly , characteristics are different . moving cowl , decreasing interior contraction ratio also can realize the hypersonic sidewall compression inlet ' s self - starting because of separation bubble on sidewall spilling out 其次,在數值模擬結果的基礎上,設計了實驗模型和裝置并在馬赫3 . 85的風洞中進行了移動唇口板減小內收縮比實現側壓式進氣道自起動的風洞實驗,驗證了數值模擬的結果。

A parametric analysis of the inviscid effects of leading edge sweep , sidewall compression , width - height ratio , cowl position and inflow mach number on spillage is finished . numerical simulations are completed for a series of inlets at various flight height and velocity . the research indicates that the area of spillage window , which is mainly determined by the position of the cowl , significantly influences the spillage characteristic of the scramjet inlet 闡明了側板后掠的側壓進氣道設計參數對構型溢流影響;對不同側板配置方式的側壓式進氣道進行了數值模擬,通過對比分析,發現由唇口板的位置所決定的溢流窗面積的大小對進氣道溢流特性的影響顯著。

The stranger ascended a rough staircase , and before a table , illumined by a lamp whose light was concentrated by a large shade while the rest of the apartment was in partial darkness , he perceived the abb in a monk s dress , with a cowl on his head such as was used by learned men of the middle ages 桌子上有一盞燈,燈罩很大,把燈光都集中在桌面上,使得房間里其余部分相當黑暗,他看見神甫穿著一件和尚長袍,頭上戴著中世紀學者所用的那種頭巾。

Swinging through this exit in the early morning hours i sometimes stumbled upon monsieur renaud who , wrapped in his cowl like a gluttonous monk , made overtures to me in the language of the sixteenth century 有時清晨從這個出口搖搖擺擺出來后我會同勒諾先生不期而遇,他像一個貪吃的修道士一樣把自己裹在修道士的長袍里,用十六世紀的語言同我攀談。

Manufactures a wide variety of products for helicopters : audio systems , video systems , microwave systems , cowls , seats , battery kits , avionics consoles , and electrical systems . provides custom engineering services 為直升機配備系列產品:話音系統、圖象系統、微波系統、座位、電池、航空電子設備操作臺和電力系統等。

Then the nozzle was simulated to study the variation of its performance under different nozzle pressure ratios , flow conditions and with different configurations of the cowl 同時研究了不同的壓強比,外流場條件以及噴管可調面罩結構等對噴管性能的影響。

The airframe and engine highly integration nature of hypersonic vehicle results in the asymmetry and cowl adjustable characters of the scramjet nozzle 由于高超聲速飛行器機體與發動機高度一體化的構型,使超燃沖壓發動機尾噴管具有非對稱,面罩可調等特點。

The working environment of the background music speaker is halls / rooms with suspended ceiling , this is why recessed ceiling - mount speakers without rear cowls 背景音樂揚聲器工作的現場環境為有吊頂的室內,故而采用嵌入式、無后罩安裝的吸頂揚聲器。

Ventilation for buildings - performance testing of components products for residential ventilation - part 5 : cowls and roof outlet terminal devices ; german version en 13141 - 5 : 2004 建筑物通風.住宅通風用部件產品的性能檢驗.通道和屋

“ strikes me you re a bit of star - dust yourself , flung into a world of cowled gnomes who cannot see , “ was his comment at the end of it “我的印象是:你就是一個墜落到凡間的星塵,被扔進一群戴了風帽的沒有眼睛的作儒之間。 ”

Ventilation for buildings - performance testing of components products for residential ventilation - part 5 : cowls and roof outlet terminal devices 建筑物通風.住宅通風用部件產品的性能檢驗.通風帽和屋頂出口終端裝置

Ventilation for buildings - performance testing of components products for residential ventilation - cowls and roof outlet terminal devices 建筑物通風.住宅通風用部件產品的性能檢驗.通風帽和屋頂出口終端裝置

Monks in their cowls shall be forced into marriage , and their lamentation will be heard on the mountain peaks of the alps 披著斗篷的修道士會被迫結婚,他們的悲嘆會在阿爾卑斯山的山頂上聽見。

- do we need these rivets on the cowling ? - yeah , or the reverse thrust would rip it off -整流罩上需要這些鉚釘嗎? -對,要不然反向推力會讓它脫落的

Do we need these rivets on the cowling ? - yeah , or the reverse thrust would rip it off 整流罩上需要這些鉚釘嗎? -對,要不然反向推力會讓它脫落的

Later 47h and 47j ranger models had a regular cabin with full cowling and monocoque tail boom 后來的47h和47j擁有一個常規的座艙及封閉的機尾。