
cowherd 牧牛者。


No matter restores ancient ways the embroidered jacket of the tone add the jeans cutting out sharply , soft and graceful to print stamp skirt and individual character association of cowherd undershirt , or geometric figure little powder bright color of little undershirt , or stripe of tender design of short overcoat , it is in among conflict with when demonstrate by women sweet and natural style 不管是復古色調的繡花上衣加上剪裁俐落的牛仔褲、柔美印花裙與個性牛仔背心的組合、或幾何圖形小背心的粉嫩花色與短外套的亮彩條紋,都在沖突中同時展露女性甜美與率性自然的兩種風貌。

Cowherd alone one urging cattle into the mountains , grassland , dense forests on the mountain and he sat tree sad , but do not know when we can hurried 10 head of cattle to return home this time , a refund all white for the elderly in front of him , and asked him why he sad , after learning of his experiences , and laugh , he said : “ the other sad , in the funiu mountains head fell sick the buffaloes , you have to make good feeding it , such as buffaloes disease is cured , you can urging it home 相傳在很早以前,南陽城西牛家莊里有個聰明忠厚的小伙子,父母早亡,只好跟著哥哥嫂子度日,嫂子馬氏為人狠毒,經常虐待他,逼他干很多的活,一年秋天,嫂子逼他去放牛,給他九頭牛,卻讓他等有了十頭牛時才能回家,牛郎無奈只好趕著牛出了村。

If popularization remains at the same level for ever , with the same stuff being supplied month after month and year after year , always the same “ little cowherd “ [ 6 ] and the same “ man , hand , mouth , knife , cow , goat “ , [ 7 ] will not the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other 普及工作若是永遠停止在一個水平上,一月兩月三月,一年兩年三年,總是一樣的貨色,一樣的“小放牛” ,一樣的“人、手、口、刀、牛、羊” ,那末,教育者和被教育者豈不都是半斤八兩?

These were krishna , the hero of the mahabharata , who also begins to appear in his pastoral aspect as the cowherd and flute player , and the divine boar ( varaha ) , of whom several impressive images survive from the gupta period 克里希那, 《摩訶婆羅多》的英雄,也開始作為牧童和吹長笛的人的面貌而出現,笈多時期有幾個印象深刻的克里希那肖像被保存了下來。

Nimbarka , a telugu brahman of the 12th or 13th century , spread the cult of the divine cowherd and his favourite gopi ( cowherdess , especially associated with the legends of krishna ' s youth ) , radha 寧巴爾卡,一位十二或十三世紀的泰盧固婆羅門,傳播神圣的牧牛者和他喜愛的牧牛姑娘羅陀(特別地與克里希那年輕時的故事連在一起)的祭禮。

The play , performed throughout india during holi , recounts the love story of hindu god krishna and the common cowherd radha . for hindus , the fable represents human longing for the divine 這種表演描述了印度教的克利須那神和平凡的放牛姑娘拉達之間的愛情故事,在整個胡里節期間上演。在印度教里,這個傳說表達出人們對美好事物的渴望。

The romance of cowherd altair and girl weaver vega is the most famous story that has impressed people for generations . this tragedy was written and re - written many times in widely loved masterpieces of great writers 兩情若是久長時,又豈在朝朝暮暮,又有多少命途多蹇的情侶,在寂寞的晚上,遙望銀漢,輕嘆出這千古絕句?

There are cries for replacing this foreign celebration of love with the traditional chinese qixi ( seventh day of the seventh lunar month ) , a day that commemorizes the legendary cowherd and weaving girl 也有關于用中國的七夕節(農歷七月的第七天)這個傳統的有著牛郎織女美麗傳說的關于愛的節日代替情人節的呼聲。

The chinese valentines day is comparably more romantic yet heartrending , because this is the only time of year when the cowherd and the weaver girl meet each other cross the milky way 相較之下,中國七夕情人節則更加浪漫外帶令人心痛,因為這是一年中唯一一次的牛郎和織女越過銀河相會。

Spinning damsel and cowherd are the famous stars vega and altair respectively . in chinese mythology , they were tragic lovers separated by the milky way and could only meet once in a year 只要轉動星圖上的圓盤對準觀測時的日期和時間,圓盤內所顯示的就是香港當時可見到的星空。

Absolutely terrified , they stealthily went to the house of the cowherd and peeped inside . all they saw was an ordinary sick man , and the five men were not there 那幾個偷盜的人怕死了,就偷偷跑到那個養牛的人的屋外,看他的人也沒什么,也沒有五個人在那里,他又病在床上。

Little undershirt being printing stamp pattern can set off women ' s romantic aesthetic feeling most , cowherd skirt including embroiders response to each other this season 印花圖案小背心最能襯托女性浪漫美感,牛仔短裙本季也加上繡花相互呼應。

Western - style shirt and cowherd undershirt are recommended product this season , taking some old washed - color sense demonstrate the feeling of trend of back - to - ancients 襯衫式洋裝與牛仔背心都是本季推薦單品,帶點洗舊感的色澤展露復古風情。

Said its valentines day , chinese always think of the cowherd and weaver girl stories , they can challenge you , they understand the story 說其情人節,中國人總會想到牛郎和織女的故事,考考你,對他們的故事了解多少?

Balarama spent his childhood as a cowherd boy with his brother krishna and friends 巴拉胡米作為一個牧童,與奎師那和他的朋友們一起渡過了童年。

On this night , the weaver star and the cowherd star “ meet ” in the skies above japan 這一天的晚上,織女星和牛郎星就在日本的天空“相會”了。

Because the cowherd took care of the fairy so well , she fell in love with him and married him 細心的照顧她,于是織女愛上的牛郎,并嫁給了他。

Rushed to see small game , cowherd and weaver girl , there will be a lot of harvest 趕緊來看看小游戲牛郎織女,會有不少收獲呢!

From then on , the fairy weaver stayed in heaven , and the cowherd stayed on earth 從此,織女留在天上,而牛郎則待在人間。