
cower vi.畏縮,退縮。


It is out of the belief that the human being is powerless that you cower into submission over abusive authorities and believe that a single human is not capable of changing anything , let alone having global impact 在“人類存在是無能力的”之信念里,你退縮進對濫權的屈服中,而相信單個的人類無法去改變任何事情,更不用說影響全球。

Harry looked around ; all three of the dursleys were cowering with their arms over their heads as their glasses bounced up and down on their skulls , their contents flying everywhere 哈利轉頭一看,只見德思禮一家三口都用手遮住頭,拼命躲閃著上竄下跳敲著他們腦殼的杯子,杯里的酒濺得到處都是。

With the aid of new foundry sites that allow you to construct more advanced ships , you may build transports to deliver your forces across the channel to the cowering human settlement 有了新的鑄造廠的幫助你可以建造更多高級船只,你可以造出運輸艦來運送你的部隊橫穿海峽到達正在退縮的人類據點

A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog . when the kittens cowered , the cat let out a series of loud barks , scaring the dog away 一天,一只貓媽媽領著4只小貓在路上走,卻遇到了一只大狗。小貓們嚇的蜷縮成了一團,這時貓媽媽吼出了一連串的汪汪聲,大狗被嚇跑了。

Alice had cowered under the blankets hiding from the bogey man , who , her elder brothers assured her , would come and get her if she so much as poked her nose out 艾麗斯畏縮在毛毯底下躲避那個妖怪,她哥哥使她相信,如果她把鼻子伸出來,妖怪就會來捉她。

When david arrived at the battlefield , he found thousands of young men cowering on the side of the battlefield because a pagan giant was taunting the god of israel 他看到數千名年青人在戰場的一旁發抖,因為有一個外邦的巨人,在那兒辱罵以色列的神。

The cloak of death ` s shadow ! cyrus ` s troops shall cower before me . i slip closer to my goal , and the noose slips tighter around cyrus ` s neck 死亡陰影斗篷!塞勒斯的軍隊會在我面前戰栗的。我離自己的目標越來越近了,喪鐘即將為塞勒斯而鳴。

Santa claus has been forced to carry out his christmas duties cowering under a hard hat after youths in a scottish town pelted him with festive mince pies 日前,蘇格蘭某小鎮的圣誕老人遭到“百果餡餅”的襲擊,因此不得不戴著安全帽上崗。

A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog . when the kittens cowered , the cat let out a series of loud barks , scaring the dog away 一只大貓帶著四只小貓,突然路遇一只大狗,小貓嚇的往后退縮,這時大貓對著狗一陣大吠,把狗嚇跑。

The street in which this is going on is blurred ? only the angle made by the two walls is clear , and the cowering figure of the woman 這件事是在哪一條街上發生的已變得模糊不清了,只有兩堵墻之間的夾角還在,還有那女人發抖的身子。

A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog . when the kittens cowered , the cat let out a series of loud barks , scaring the dog away 一只貓和她的四只小崽子碰上了一只大狗.小貓嚇得縮成一團,母貓汪汪大叫幾聲,嚇跑了狗

No need to cower behind a gate - post , indeed ! - to peep up at chamber lattices , fearing life was astir behind them 沒有必要躲在門柱后面畏縮不前了,真的!沒有必要偷偷地眺望房間的格子窗,而擔心窗后已有動靜!

Ignore , hide , deflect , cower , and fawn have to be the action verbs in the job descriptions of american journalists today 忽略、隱瞞、畏縮、獻媚和避重就輕等在對現在美國記者工作的描述中必定都是有力的動詞。

They cowered under their reef of counter , waiting on footstools , crates upturned , waiting for their teas to draw 她們蜷縮在暗礁般的柜臺后面,坐在底朝天的柳條筐上,等待茶泡出味道來。

[ niv ] the cowering prisoners will soon be set free ; they will not die in their dungeon , nor will they lack bread 14 [和合]被擄去的快得34釋放,必不死而下坑;他的食物,也不致缺乏。

And let us not laugh , declare foolish or cower in alarm if different views result from our efforts 如果我們的努力導致不同意見的出現,我們也不應該互相譏諷、嘲笑或感到擔憂。

She derided him for his sheepishness , for his lack of initiative , for his cowering before a silly machine 她嘲笑他的膽小懦弱,缺乏主動,面對一臺傻機器畏縮不前。

When the kittens cowered , the cat let out a series of loud barks , scaring the dog away 大貓扭頭對小貓說: “看到沒有,知道懂得一門外語的重要性了吧。 ”

Events have come to a pretty pass when a king must cower in his castle , but cower i must 現在已經不是國王躲在城堡里的時代了,但是我必須躲起來。