
cowboy 牧童;〔美、加拿大〕騎馬牧童;〔美俚〕違章駕駛的汽車司機...

cowboy boot

[ sportscaster 2 ] oh , and another carter cowboy touchdown 哦,卡特牛仔隊又贏得一個達陣

The lawless cowboy coders were being reined in 無法無天、牛仔式的編碼者們被懸崖勒馬。

You ' re nothing but a city faggot with a cowboy hat 你只是一個城里的戴著牛仔帽的同性戀

Spurs are sharp metal devices attached to a cowboy s boots 圣安東尼奧馬刺傳說的神話

You ' re gonna need a harder piece ofwood than that , cowboy 你需要比那塊還硬的木頭,牛仔

That horse was wild , but the cowboy broke it in 那匹馬很狂野,但是卻被這個牛仔馴服了。

This is an essay about the life of cowboys 這是一篇關于牛仔生活的文章。

The story tells about a cowboy ' s all kinds of adventures 該故事講述一個牛仔的歷險記。

M : wait a minute . let me put on a cowboy hat 等等,讓我戴上這頂牛仔帽。

Take care of him . life ' s not a cowboy movie 多小心他.就像西部片演的一樣

Iot ' s a sea shanty . naughty cal ' s this , uh , underwater cowboy 海邊的小屋,淘氣的孩子

See , ray , that ' s why the cowboys used tupperware 雷,你看怪不得那些牛仔要用塑料制品

No mom . no cowboy hat this weekend 不行,媽媽,這個周末別玩什么牛仔帽了

She pointed to a row of cowboy boots on a shelf 她指向了牛仔靴列在架子。

Isn ' t that the cowboy from the rest area 那不是我們在停車區見到的牛仔嗎

From then on , his name is cowboy andy 從此,他的名字就成了牛仔安德魯了。

All three cowboys know these things about each other 他們三人都十分清楚各自的狀況。

Sportscaster 2 oh , and another carter cowboy touchdown 哦,卡特牛仔隊又贏得一個達陣

Yao is not a cowboy or a banjo lover 姚明不是牛仔,也不是鄉村歌曲愛好者。