
cowardly adj.,adv.怯懦的〔地〕。


It is not my fault that the minister is vacillating , cowardly , unreasonable , dilatory , and has every vice 該大臣優柔寡斷,膽怯,糊涂遲鈍,具有一切壞的品質,全軍都在痛哭,詛咒他罪該萬死”

I ll believe you are a coward for yourself , but not a cowardly betrayer of your best friend 我可以相信你自己是一個膽小的人,可總不會是一個怯懦地出賣你的最好的朋友的人吧。 ”

You might say all that . but as for what i think about them , they re lousy , bloodsucking , cowardly scums 你也許會說這一切,但在我的思想中,他們是低劣的吸血的懦弱的人渣。

The bourgeoisie is cowardly . it is afraid of life . and all your effort was to make me afraid of life 資產階級是怯懦的,他門害怕生活,而你的全部努力就是讓我害怕生活。

The cowardly children crept nearer also , isabella lisping - “ frightful thing ! put him in the cellar , papa 膽小的孩子們也爬近一些,伊莎貝拉口不清地說著,可怕的東西!

Mk . 4 : 40 and he said to them , why are you cowardly in this way ? how is it that you do not have faith 可四40耶穌對他們說,為什麼這樣膽怯?你們怎麼沒有信心?

But in every nation , there is a vast class of people who are cowardly , and more or less stupid 可是,在每個國家,都有一大批怯懦的、多少有點愚蠢的人。

The game engine will evaluate the script and link this behavior to the cowardly troll 游戲引擎將會計算這個腳本并把這個行為和膽怯的巨人相關聯。

And he said to them , why are you cowardly in this way ? how is it that you do not have faith 40耶穌對他們說,為什么這樣膽怯?你們怎么沒有信心?

To declare war on the small island state looks like the action of a cowardly nation 向這個小小的島國宣戰,看來像是一個懦怯之國的行動。

I hope the world will not call me cowardly for acting as my conscience dictated 我的良心要求我這樣做的,我希望外界不要稱我是一個懦夫。

His “ cowardly wise - guy humor “ has brought laughter to millions of gis 他最擅長的膽小聰明人的幽默向來都讓數百萬的美國軍人開懷大笑。

I knew what power i had over her , and took cowardly advantage of it 我知道我有力量控制這個女人,我卑鄙地濫用了這種力量。

The cowardly cowboy cowered as the courageous cowboy cornered the cows 懦弱的牛仔畏縮不前,而勇敢的牛仔把母牛趕向角落。

A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run 保守主義者是膽小得不敢斗爭,又胖得跑不動的人。

You cowardly bastards 你這個無能的混蛋

Is such a cowardly word 是個很軟弱的詞

That ' s a cowardly excuse 那是懦弱的藉口

Objective . and cowardly 客觀-還有膽怯?