
cowardice n.怯懦,懦弱,膽小。


The master said , “ it is flattery to offer sacrifices to the dead not of your own family 。 it is cowardice to fail to do what is right 。 孔子說: “祭祀自己不應該祭祀的鬼神,是獻媚。見到應該挺身而出的事情卻袖手旁觀,這是怯懦。 ”

It is only your guest , sir , i called out , desirous to spare him the humiliation of exposing his cowardice further “只不過是你的客人在這兒罷了,先生。 ”我叫出聲來,省得他更暴露出膽怯樣子而使他丟掉面子。

“ that is in strict accordance with the spanish character ; an assassination they will unhesitatingly commit , but an act of cowardice , never . “西班牙人的性格倒也確實如此,他們寧可當殺人犯,也不當懦夫。 ”

“ nothing is so mild and gentle as courage , nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice , ” syas a wise author 一位明智的作家曾說過: “世上沒有東西比勇氣更溫文爾雅,也沒有東西比懦怯更殘酷無情。 ”

“ nothing is so mild and gentle as courage , nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice , “ says a wise author 一位明智的作家曾說過: “世上沒有東西比勇氣更溫文爾雅,也沒有東西比懦怯更殘酷無情。 ”

Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage , nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice , syas a wise author 一位明智的作家曾說過: “世上沒有東西比勇氣更溫文爾雅,也沒有東西比懦怯更殘酷無情。 ”

Cried defarge , reddening a little as if he felt charged with cowardice ; i too , my dear , will stop at nothing 德伐日臉紅了,叫了起來,仿佛有誰指責他膽小。 “親愛的,我也是什么都敢干的。 ”

A commissar shall judge you fairly , but any sign of cowardice or weakness shall be purged from his sight 政委會公平地看待每一個人,但任何怯懦或是軟弱的人,他都會將其從視線中抹去。

2 tim . 1 : 7 for god has not given us a spirit of cowardice , but of power and of love and of sobermindedness 提后一7因為神賜給我們的,不是膽怯的靈,乃是能力、愛、并清明自守的靈。

“ cowardice and fear have trapped us in the cycle of transmigration for a very long time . 有時候我們生出來在一種比較壓迫的情況,因為上帝要給我們學習無畏的精神和勇敢的功課。

To be one ' s self , and unafraid whether right or wrong , is more admirable than the easy cowardice of surrender to conformity 無論對或錯都敢于做自己,這比輕易屈服于世俗更可佩。

For god has not given us a spirit of cowardice , but of power and of love and of sobermindedness 因為神賜給我們的,不是膽怯的靈,乃是能力、愛、并清明自守的靈。

His friends and fiancee present him with four white feathers to symbolize his cowardice 他失去一切,只剩下三位戰友及未婚妻送予他代表恥辱與遺憾的四片羽毛。

It is because of laziness and cowardice that it is so easy for others to usurp the role of guardians 正因為懶惰與懦弱,別人便得以輕而易舉地以看護人自居。

Nothing is as mild and gentle as courage , noting as cruel and pitiless as cowardice 沒有什么比勇氣更溫文爾雅,也沒有什么比怯懦更殘酷無情。

The unwilling submissiveness shown by a weaker person is helplessness ; it is called cowardice 弱者體現的勉強的順從是無助,這才是懦弱。

There are several good protections against temptations , but the surest is cowardice 抵御誘惑有很多好方法,不過最可靠的是怯懦。

Running away rom a light may be a sign of intelligence not cowardice 有人打架就躲遠點,這也許是一種明智,而不是懦弱。

I ' ve been accused of many things in my life , but never of cowardice 我一生中受過種種指責,但從來沒有人說我怯懦。