
coward n.考厄德〔姓氏〕。


No , i ' m not a coward like some people i know 不,我不會象我認識的某些人那樣是個懦夫

Cowards always quail before the enemy 在敵人面前,膽小鬼們總是畏縮不前的。

When you are a coward , certain things come easy 你要是個膽小鬼,做有些事就容易了。

Good order makes men bold , and confusion , cowards 正確的命令使人奮勇、混亂和怯懦。

Man thanks fornothing , permian . go home , cowards 多虧你們了,帕米亞隊回家吧,懦夫

Necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant 需要和機會可能使懦夫變成勇士。

When you are a coward , certain things come easy 你如果是個懦夫,就容易去做某些事。

“ you are a coward , ” mr . brown cried out 布朗先生喊到, “你是個膽小鬼。 ”

You ran away for a coward ' s chance on easy street 你們只不過是想找條好走的路

Necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant 需要和機會可以使懦夫變得大膽

Scarlett : why don ' t you say it , you coward 思嘉:你這個膽小鬼,你為什么說這些話?

Oh really , have you seen such cowards before 噢,您以前當真見過這樣的懦夫?

Angered at the response he screams “ coward 小男孩生氣了,大聲地吼著“膽小鬼

Cowards die many times before their deaths 諺膽小鬼在真正斷氣之前要死許多次。

“ m . albert de morcerf is no coward ! “阿爾貝馬爾塞夫先生決不是一個懦夫! ”

“ it was a coward blow , “ returned matcham “這是懦夫式的吹牛, ”麥青回答說。

The coward dies 1 , 000 deaths , the brave man but one 懦夫死一千次,勇者只死一次。

That ' s no reason to kill like a coward 但用這種懦夫的方式去殺死他是沒有理由的。

You can run to the ends of the earth you coward , 你盡可以跑到天涯海角,膽小鬼