
coving n.(河等的)灣,彎處;【建筑】弧形飾;穹窿;拱;凹圓線...


The paper views the principles and mechanics in the aspect of saving soil water with three coving - substances from viewpoint of history bac kground , and explains its advantages and disadvantages , therefore , the techniques of chemical covering will be one of the importance of saving - water in the future farming 摘要從農田化學介質覆蓋節水產生的背景及其過程,主要闡述了其研究現狀、原理、技術效果以及存在的問題,提出了農田化學介質物覆蓋節水將是未來農藝節水的重要技術之一。

The technique coving hand - knitted , bead , embroidered , weaving , etc . product series including girlish fashion , adult sportswear , technical glad rags , etc , are move off more than 30 countries and areas , such as europe , north south america , mid - east , japan , etc . looking forward , fuyuan woolen industrial co . , ltd will cooperate with all domestic and oversea friends to create a beautiful and bright future 工藝包括手?釘珠刺繡機織等制作手法,產品系列包括少女時尚成熟休閑工藝晚裝等。產品暢銷歐洲北美南美中東日本等30多個國家和地區,深受贊譽展望未來,富源毛織實業有限公司與時俱進,愿與海內外朋友攜手并進,共創輝煌。

Since the establishment , the corporation has actively exploited the international market and has assigned personnel to more than 20 countries and regions , such as japan , singapore , america , israel , russia , korea , ukraine , united arab emirates , mauritius , kenya , coving piscatorial labor service , building , sewing , electronic operating , medical servicing , studying abroad and so on 公司成立十多年來,積極開拓國際市場,先后向日本、新加坡、文萊、以色列、俄羅斯、韓國、烏克蘭、阿聯酋、毛里求斯、肯尼亞等20多個國家和地區外派勞務,初步形成了以漁工、建筑、服裝、電子、護理、留學等門類多元化的格局,取得了良好的社會效益和經濟效益。

Ssemble the folder at the front of coving stitch presser foot 裝在繃縫車壓腳前面使用