
covet vt.,vi.妄想(別人東西),貪求。 All cove...


With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven coveted her and me 我們愛得那樣深,連天上的六翼天使也把我和她妒嫉。

Covet all and lose all 貪婪愈多,失去也愈多。

I coveted a cake of bread 我對一塊面包很眼饞。

Never covet wealth and power 切勿貪圖財富和權力。

“ yes ; think you it was the poor servant s life was coveted “是的,您以為這次是存心要害那個可憐的仆人的嗎?

The stronger neighbouring countries always have coveted this town 周邊國家中較強大一些的一直覬覦這個城鎮。

But the thing this guy covets most , 不過他最為寵愛的

Acts 20 : 33 i have coveted no one ' s silver or gold or clothing 徒二十33我未曾貪圖過任何人的金、銀、衣服。

Exploring nature with an intelligent mind became a coveted pursuit 用聰明的頭腦探索自然成為熱切的追求。

Is coveted by many programmers 是很多程序員夢寐以求的。

Don t covet other people s belongings 修行人修行人的責任

I had long coveted polly espy 我早已鐘情于波利埃斯皮了。

We have coveted our neighbor ' s possessions and called it ambition 我們貪圖鄰居的產業稱之為雄心。

This jaguar you so pinheadedly covet 你這么垂涎這部“美洲虎”

Your cloaking device is highly coveted 你的屏蔽系統被覬覦已久

Jingqiu li has the kind of programming skills employers covet 李景秋有著雇主所垂涎的編程技能。

The boys coveted john ' s new hat 孩子們都想戴一戴約翰的新帽子。

This jaguar you so pinheadediy covet - 你這么垂涎的這部“美洲虎”

33 i have not coveted anyone ' s silver or gold or clothing 33我未曾貪圖一個人的金、銀、衣服。