
covert adj.隱蔽的,偷偷摸摸的,隱密的;【法律】有丈夫(保護...


The mobile and real - time lpr system for road patrol and covert surveillance operations 系統優點能抓拍并識別高速行駛中車輛的車牌號碼

“ under the lotus plants he lies down , in the covert of the reeds and the marsh 伯40 : 21他伏在蓮葉之下、臥在蘆葦隱密處、和水洼子里。

Dark - centred undertail coverts = dark - sided flycatcher ( white in grey - streaked ) 暗色為中心的尾下覆羽=鮮卑? (烏? ) (灰斑?的是白色的)

Covert trade barrier 變相貿易壁壘

Mobile and real - time lpr system for road patrol and covert surveillance operations Sre主要用于道路巡查和隱蔽監控操作的系統。

Daddy ' s planning a little covert operation in thailand for the day after the wedding 爸爸在計劃一個婚禮后在泰國的秘密行動

Under the lotus plants he lies down , in the covert of the reed and the marsh 21 ?伏在蓮葉之下,臥在蘆葦隱密處和沼澤里。

Covert to paragraph text 轉換為段落文字

“ could you talk about your impressive covert role in infernal affairs ? “你能談一下你對這個角色在陰險情節中印象嗎? ”

I have mastered the art of the surreptitious and covert glance over my shoulder 我非常嫻熟的掌握了回頭偷看的技巧。

Covert op ? recon mission 秘密行動?偵察任務

He lieth under the shady trees , in the covert of the reed , and fens 21它伏在蓮葉之下,臥在蘆葦隱密處和水洼子里。

Usually , it s impossible to close up every covert channel in a system 通常,關閉系統中的每個秘密通道是不可能的。

Diplomatic , and covert operation 外交和秘密行動的

When they couch in their dens , and abide in the covert to lie in wait 40你能為它們抓取食物,使它們飽足嗎。

I believe his unique insights into a covert organization 我相信他對一個像“分水嶺“這樣的秘密組織的獨特洞察

Diplomatic , and covert operation . . 外交和秘密行動的

This would be a covert decision 這個決策不會公諸于世

Overt and covert narcissism : a psychological exploration of narcissistic personality 自戀人格的心理學探析