
coverlet n.1.床單,桌布(等)。2.蓋子,罩子。


Under the thatched roofs her mind s eye beheld relaxed tendons and flaccid muscles , spread out in the darkness beneath coverlets made of little purple patchwork squares , and undergoing a bracing process at the hands of sleep for renewed labour on the morrow , as soon as a hint of pink nebulosity appeared on hambledon hill 在苔絲的想象里,她看見茅屋里的人,肌腱松弛了,肌肉放松了,躺在黑暗的屋頂下,蓋著小紫花格子的被子,正在蓄積體力,等到第二天早晨漢姆布萊頓的山頂剛染上朝霞,他們就要起來從事新的一天的勞動了。

Monte cristo gently laid his hand on the young girl s arm , drew the velvet coverlet close to her throat , and said with a paternal smile , - “ my child , believe in my devotion to you as you believe in the goodness of providence and the love of maximilian . 基督山輕輕地把手按在那青年姑娘的手臂上,把天鵝絨的毯子拉來蓋到她的頸部,帶著愛的笑容說: “我的孩子,相信我對你的真情,象你相信上帝的仁慈和馬西米蘭的愛情一樣。 ”

If the day is done , if birds sing no more , if the wind has flagged tired , then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me , even as thou hast wrapt the earth with the coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed the petals of the drooping lotus at dusk 假如一天已經過去了,鳥兒也不歌唱,假如風也吹倦了,那就用黑暗的厚幕把我蓋上罷,如同你在黃昏時節用睡眠的衾被裹上大地,又輕柔地將睡蓮的花瓣合上。

Mitenkas wife and sister - in - law , with frightened faces , peeped into the passage from the door of their room , where was a bright samovar boiling , and the bailiffs high bedstead stood under a quilted patchwork coverlet 米堅卡的妻子和幾個小姨子露出惶恐的神態從房門口探出身子向門斗張望,一只精美的茶炊正在沸騰,管事人的一張高床擺在那間房里,床上鋪著用那短短的碎布縫綴的絎過的棉被。

If the day is done , if birds sing no more , if the wind has flagged tired , then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me , even as thou hast wrapt the earth with the coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed the petals of the drooping lotus at dusk 倘使夜晚悄然來臨,倘使鳥兒不再歌唱,倘使風兒吹倦了,那就用黑幕厚厚地蓋上我吧,正如暮色中,你用睡衾覆蓋大地,又輕柔合攏睡蓮的花瓣。

The textile mainly operates the products as follow : towel with spiral satin board , jacquard , printing , shearing , embroidered towel , bath towel and face towel , scrapping printing bath towel and beach towel ; jacquard towel and coverlet series 紡織品主要經營緞邊、提花、印花、割絨、繡花的方巾、浴巾、面巾、刮印大浴巾、沙灘巾、方巾和巾被系列。

All things , however , were in their places ; all was quiet ; and he lay asleep , his white hair picturesque on the untroubled pillow , and his hands lying quiet on the coverlet 不過,一切依然如故,十分平靜。父親睡著了,白發襯在不曾受到干擾的枕上,像幅圖畫雙手安詳地放在蓋被上。

Madame de villefort gazed upon the face so expressive even in its stillness ; then she ventured to raise the coverlet and press her hand upon the young girl s heart 維爾福夫人凝視著這個靜止的但依舊動人的面孔然后她壯起膽子揭開被,把手按在那青年姑娘的胸膛上。

Under the snow white coverlet , upon the snow - white pillow , lay the most beautiful little girl that tom had ever seen 在雪白的被單下,雪白的枕頭上,躺著一個湯姆有生以來從未見過的最漂亮的小女孩。

I folded my shawl double , and spread it over me for a coverlet ; a low , mossy swell was my pillow 我把披肩一摺為二,鋪在身上作蓋被,一個長滿青苔的低矮小墩當了枕頭。

I am a child in the dark . i stretch my hands through the coverlet of night for thee , mother 274我是一個在黑暗中的孩子。我從夜的被單里向您伸出我的雙手,母親。

And the abb , casting away his coverlet , resumed his place , and continued his calculations 于是神甫扔下他的床單,又坐回到了老地方,繼續進行他的演算去了。

I am a child in the dark . i stretch my hands through the coverlet of night for thee , mother 我是一個黑暗中的小孩。母親,我向你伸出雙手,穿過夜的被單。

The school also provided sleeping mats , coverlets , bath facilities and hot tea 學校給這些家長提供墊絮,床單,洗浴設施及熱茶。

Growled a red - cap , striking at the coverlet with the butt - end of his musket 一個紅帽子用毛瑟搶槍托敲打著被子吼道。

He hastily seized the coverlet of his bed , and wrapped it round him 他急忙從他的床上抓過被單,把他自己裹了起來。

The coverlet was painted in blue 床罩是蘭色的。

S raised his eyes to heaven and clasped his hands beneath the coverlet 唐太斯抬頭望天,在被子里雙手合十。

I stretch my hands through the coverlet of night for thee , mother 我從夜的被單里向您伸出我的雙手,母親。