
covered way 【軍事】覆道,暗道;【建筑】廊道。


And asa , hearing these words of azariah , the son of oded the prophet , took heart and put away all the disgusting things out of all the land of judah and benjamin , and out of the towns which he had taken from the hill - country of ephraim ; and he made new again the altar of the lord in front of the covered way of the lord ' s house 亞撒聽見這話、和俄德兒子先知亞撒利雅的預言、就壯起膽來、在猶大、便雅憫全地、并以法蓮山地所奪的各城、將可憎之物、盡都除掉又在耶和華殿的廊前、重新修筑耶和華的壇。

And the covered way for use on the sabbath , which they had built in the house , and the king ' s entry outside , he removed from the house of jehovah because of the king of assyria 18他又因亞述王的緣故,將殿內為安息日所蓋的廊子,和王從外邊進殿的入口,從耶和華的殿挪去。

Now a number of signs and wonders were done among the people by the hands of the apostles ; and they were all together in solomon ' s covered way 主藉使徒的手、在民間行了許多神跡奇事、 (他們或作信的人都同心合意的在所羅門的廊下。

[ bbe ] and while he kept his hands on peter and john , all the people came running together to the covered way which is named solomon ' s , full of wonder 那人正在稱為所羅門的廊下、拉著彼得、約翰眾百姓一齊跑到他們那里、很覺希奇。

And while he kept his hands on peter and john , all the people came running together to the covered way which is named solomon ' s , full of wonder 那人正在稱為所羅門的廊下、拉著彼得、約翰眾百姓一齊跑到他們那里、很覺希奇。

And there were windows in it and in the covered way all round , like the other windows : it was fifty cubits long and twenty - five cubits wide 門洞兩旁與廊子的周圍都有窗欞,和先量的窗欞一樣。門洞長五十肘,寬二十五肘。

Drawing his arm through his own , he took him down ludgate - hill to fleet - street , and so , up a covered way , into a tavern 他挽起他的胳膊帶他通過路蓋希爾,來到艦隊街,穿過了一段有街棚的路面進入了一家小酒店。

25 and on them were pictured winged ones and palm - trees , as on the walls ; and a . . . of wood was on the front of the covered way outside 25殿的門扇上雕刻基路伯和棕樹,與刻在墻上的一般。在外頭廊前有木檻。

[ bbe ] then ehud went out into the covered way , shutting the doors of the summer - house on him and locking them 以笏出來之后、王的仆人到了、看見樓門關鎖、就說、他必是在樓上大解。

And there was a room with a door in the covered way of the doorway , where the burned offering was washed 門洞的柱旁有屋子和門。祭司(原文作他們)在那里洗燔祭牲。