
coverage n.范圍,規模,總額;〔美國〕保險額;保證金,現金準備;...


Coverage and quality of main business process 主要業務流程的覆蓋面及質量水平

Satellite tv coverage and tv situation in china 2006年度中國電視批評得失盤點

Using coverage as a performance goal for testers 使用覆蓋率作為測試員的績效目標。

The coverage limit is hk 100 , 000 per depositor per bank 保障上限為每家銀行每名存戶

Comprehensive coverage of disability and accidental death 傷殘及意外死亡的完善保障

The aim is to have complete coverage by 2010 完全覆蓋的目標將在2010年達成。

Walkthrough : run tests and view code coverage >演練:運行測試并查看代碼覆蓋率

How to : gather code - coverage data with generic tests 在一般測試中使用摘要結果文件

I don ' t understand . i have full coverage (十五年后)我不明白,我買了全保的

Long coverage until age 100 and level premium 持續至100歲的周全保障及固定保費

Include option is not supported with code coverage 代碼覆蓋率不支持include選項。

As you can see , using a code coverage tool 正如您看到的,使用一個代碼覆蓋工具

Task the satellites . i want full coverage of her area 運作衛星,我要監控整個地區

Unless the whole team gets equal coverage 除非隊里的每一個人都得到相同的報道

Network is gonna be wanting plenty of coverage 有線電視網絡也想要更高的覆蓋率

Was there adequate media coverage of the project 該計劃媒體新聞報導是否充分?

B . you ' d better have full coverage of auto insurance 你最好買個汽車保險的全險。

How to : obtain code coverage data unit tests overview 如何:在運行測試時進行調試

What sort of exam coverage can i expect to receive 我可以預期得到什麼考試的?圍