
cover vt.1.覆蓋,遮蔽,包裹;戴帽子;包庇,隱蔽,掩蓋;滅...

cover charge

I hope my foreign exchange allowance will cover it . 但愿我的外匯限額夠用。

The wings of a crow can never cover up the sun . 烏雅的翅膀決不能遮住太陽。

The expedition covered a lot of ground . 探險隊到過很多地方。

By sunset we had covered thirty miles . 到日落的時候,我們已走了三十英里。

Please cover the typewriter after use . 用完后請把打字機罩好。

The children were covered in mud from head to toe . 孩子們全身沾滿了污泥。

The business is a cover for unlawful activity . 以經商為幌子從事非法活動。

His business was a cover for drug dealing . 他的商行是進行毒品交易的幌子。

I 've read the book twice from cover to cover . 這本書我從頭到尾看過兩遍。

By god, you covered ground . 老天爺做證,你把這塊地面都踏遍了。

He smiled to cover his nervousness . 他笑著掩飾自己的緊張情緒。

Feathers are the distinctive covering of birds . 羽毛是鳥類特有的蔽體物。

She drew a cover over the typewriter . 她拿過罩子將打字機套上。

He once covered a mile in three minutes . 他有一次在三分鐘內跑了一英里。

The ground was covered with thick snow . 地上覆蓋著厚厚的積雪。

His desk is always covered with papers . 他的辦公桌上老是堆滿寫著字的紙。

Her face was covered in wasp stings . 她臉上滿是黃蜂蜇過的傷痕。

The single window is covered with white paper . 唯一的窗戶是用白紙糊的。

There is no way to cover a short position . 沒法子再補進空頭了。