
coventry n.考文垂〔英國城市〕。 send sb. to Cov...


Its gun - ridden image , which once led to it being dubbed “ assassination city “ . hull and leeds in northern england came out as the next worst for burglaries , while guildford in southeast england came out as the safest , followed by coventry , west central england , and the scottish capital edinburgh . to rid one ' s mind of 英國北部城市赫爾和利茲緊隨諾丁漢,是室內盜竊案易發的第二第三大城市而位于英國東南部的吉爾福德則被譽為最安全的城市,排在其后的安全城市分別是英國中西部城市考文垂和蘇格蘭首府愛丁堡。

Police and councillors in nottingham have been working to its gun - ridden image , which once led to it being dubbed “ assassination city “ . hull and leeds in northern england came out as the next worst for burglaries , while guildford in southeast england came out as the safest , followed by coventry , west central england , and the scottish capital edinburgh 英國北部城市赫爾和利茲緊隨諾丁漢,是室內盜竊案易發的第二第三大城市而位于英國東南部的吉爾福德則被譽為最安全的城市,排在其后的安全城市分別是英國中西部城市考文垂和蘇格蘭首府愛丁堡。

Well , several of us from all parts of the world , one member from ireland , one from london , england , one from coventry , england , myself from new york , and another woman from zambia , africa , discovered that we had a mutual love of irish music and started playing down on the beach in santa monica 我們幾個團員分別來自世界不同的角落,有來自愛爾蘭英國倫敦以及康文粹英格蘭中部的一個城市,我來自于紐約,而另一位女團員則是遠來自非洲的尚比亞。當我們發現我們幾個人對愛爾蘭音樂都有共同的熱愛后,便開始在圣塔莫尼卡注:美國加州的城市的一處海灘演唱。

Police and councillors in nottingham have been working to dispel its gun - ridden image , which once led to it being dubbed “ assassination city “ . hull and leeds in northern england came out as the next worst for burglaries , while guildford in southeast england came out as the safest , followed by coventry , west central england , and the scottish capital edinburgh . to rid one ' s mind of 英國北部城市赫爾和利茲緊隨諾丁漢,是室內盜竊案易發的第二第三大城市而位于英國東南部的吉爾福德則被譽為最安全的城市,排在其后的安全城市分別是英國中西部城市考文垂和蘇格蘭首府愛丁堡。

The visiting australians went in level at the break after another goal a piece but a second - half michael ballack penalty and late goal looked to have established a cushion before former portsmouth and coventry striker john aloisi made it close once more in the final minute 客隊澳大利亞在半場結束前再度追平比分平分秋色,但下半場米夏爾-巴拉克的點球和波多爾斯基的進球似乎為主隊鎖定勝局,終場前一分鐘前樸茨茅斯和考文垂射手約翰-阿羅西第三度縮小分差。

Hull and leeds in northern england came out as the next worst for burglaries , while guildford in southeast england came out as the safest , followed by coventry , west central england , and the scottish capital edinburgh 英國北部城市赫爾和利茲緊隨諾丁漢,是室內盜竊案易發的第二、第三大城市;而位于英國東南部的吉爾福德則被譽為最安全的城市,排在其后的安全城市分別是英國中西部城市考文垂和蘇格蘭首府愛丁堡。

Sir alex ferguson had angry words with the entire team after wednesday ' s carling cup defeat at home to coventry city , but he was particularly aggrieved about anderson ' s ineffectual display and is concerned at how the new arrival is struggling to make a favourable impression 弗格森爵士因為周三輸給考文垂而對整個球隊大發雷霆,但是他特別批評了安德森的發揮,恐怕巴西人要更加努力才能獲得垂青。

All other uk cities fall below the uk average of 98 , but hotels in aberdeen , blackpool , manchester , glasgow and coventry all pushed winter 2006 prices up by double - digit percentages compared to the 2005 season 其它所有英國城市的每晚酒店價格,都低于98英鎊的英國平均水平,但阿伯丁、黑澤、曼徹斯特、格拉斯哥和考文垂的酒店推高了2006年冬季酒店價格,使其較2005年同期出現了兩位數的漲幅。

United ' s youngsters suffered a humiliating defeat to coventry city in the carling cup back in september but , with seven of those who started against the sky blues lining up in rome , a huge degree of pride was restored by wednesday ' s result 曼聯青年軍在九月的聯賽杯中被考文垂羞辱,當時比賽的有七人出現在了對羅馬的首發名單中,他們這場的表現展示了他們的能力。

The loss to coventry city in the carling cup third round hasn ' t quite faded from sir alex ' s memory , but the united boss admits the reds ' fixture - free midweek is the ideal preparation for saturday ' s trip to the emirates stadium 聯賽杯第三輪輸給考文垂沒有完全淡出弗爵爺的記憶中,但曼聯的老板認為紅魔將士們周中的固定假期是周六前往酋長球場的理想的準備。

“ pique also came in today and was absolutely outstanding . he was one our best players against coventry [ in the carling cup ] and is improving all the time . “皮克今天也參加了比賽,毋庸置疑,他的表現非常突出。對考文垂郡的比賽中,他是表現最出色的球員之一,而我們看到,他一直在進步。 ”

Cole had played just once in six months before last wednesday ' s reserve team outing for arsenal against coventry , which sven attended in order to check on his first choice left - back 在上周三的預備隊比賽對陣考文垂前科爾在6個月中只踢了一場球。斯文傾向于把他列為自己左后衛的第一人選。

Liverpool will play reading in the fifth round of the fa youth cup sponsored by e . on after the young royals thrashed coventry 5 - 1 in their fourth round tie last night 利物浦將在青年足總杯的第五輪比賽中迎來“雷丁的挑戰,年輕的“皇室成員“昨晚在第四輪的比賽中以5 : 1淘汰了考文垂隊

The break into the first team followed an entire season on loan at first division coventry city , where he picked up the supporters ' player of the year award 隨后,他被租借到考文垂一個賽季,在那個賽季中得到了“年度最佳球員”的稱號。

3 coventry , currently bottom of the league , took a 3 - 3 draw at home against wimbledon in spite of having two men sent off in the first half 考文垂,目前位于聯賽墊底,在主場對陣溫布爾登取得了3 : 3平局,盡管有兩人在上半場即被罰下。

As sales increased the company moved to coventry . at the london motor show of 1931 , the ss class was launched , costing less than 350 因為出售增長公司遷移至考文垂。在1931年倫敦汽車展上ss以低于350鎊的價格投放市場。

As sales increased the company moved to coventry . at the london motor show of 1931 , the ss class was launched , costing less than 350 由于銷售增加公司遷移至考文垂。在1931年倫敦汽車展上ss以低于350鎊的價錢投放市場。

Many of the serious uses of virtual worlds were on show at a conference held in september at coventry university in england 2007年9月在英國考文垂大學舉行的會議論壇上展示了許多虛擬世界的真正用途。

His father alan , the former wimbledon striker , is nowadays coach of the coventry reserve side that was in opposition 因為他的父親阿蘭,前溫布爾登前鋒,就是作為對手的今時今日的考文垂預備隊的教練。