
covenant n.1.協議,協定;協議書,協定條款。2.【宗教】誓約;...

covenant marriage

I will gladly make that covenant 我將很樂意立下這個誓言

The easter seal society , covenant house , and interval house 圣誕節期間,多倫多同修也慷慨捐助流浪漢。

“ i made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl 1我與眼睛立約,怎能戀戀瞻望處女呢?

Not to disturb the ark of the covenant 讓你們不要擅動法柜

International covenant on economic , social and cultural rights icescr 經濟社會與文化權利國際公約

Modification to extend building covenant 延長建筑規約期的修訂

Covenants arrangement of venture investment 風險投資的合約安排

My companion attacks his friends ; he violates his covenant 他21背了約,伸手攻擊與他和22好的人。

They covenanted with us for establishing a joint venture 他們就建立合資公司的事和我們簽了合約。

He signed a covenant against under letting the premises 他簽署了一個表示拒絕出租該場所的協定。

This is my blood of the new covenant 這是我為新的圣約而流的血

The mission covenant church richland church 基督教圣約教會麗晶堂

A . signs and seals of god ' s covenant 答:上帝恩約的記號和印記。

International covenant on economic , social and cultural rights 經濟社會與文化權利的國際公約

International covenant on civil and political rights iccpr 公民權利及政治權利國際公約( iccpr )

He signed a covenant against under letting the premises 他簽署了一個反對廉價出租房屋的契約

Premium for extension of building covenant 延長建筑規約期須繳的款項

This is my blood of the new covenant . . 這是我為新的圣約而流的血. .

“ the lord our god made a covenant with us at horeb 申5 : 2耶和華我們的神在何烈山與我們立約。